Here's the cover of January 1952 issue of the The Knotty Post (the Knott's Berry Farm employee magazine) to ring in the new year....

Here's the cover of January 1952 issue of the The Knotty Post (the Knott's Berry Farm employee magazine) to ring in the new year....
I wish that all of your dreams will come true.. :) Slovenke: Kam se boste dale danes? Jaz se nikoli nisem dozivela, da tako veliko ljudi n...
I love this trend. They are sophisticated, sexy, sweet,.. pictures from:, asos,
A few weeks ago I found this online shop on web. They have some really good and cheap pieces. What do you think? Did you order sth in this ...
Women Cardigan Feather Collar Cashmere Cardigan From J. Crew
What a pretty collection. The prices are ok aswell. What do you think?
Rianne de Witte Cora Kemperman Crea Concept sarah pacini
Odpiram nov spletni dnevnik, kjer bom objavljala svoje izdelke. Če vam je kakšna stvar všeč, me lahko kontaktirate na e-mail: dancarka@gmail...
Here are the pictures for all of you who send me an e-mail if I'll show the pictures from the scarf I made for alter_muffin . (she was ...
To round out Huntington Beach 's centennial year, I'm posting a few photos from 1908, the year before it incorporated as a city. N...
I had so much fun making the ElfYourself family dance yesterday that I decided to immortalize a few of my scrapping friends with another Elf...
this pink dress is AMAZING! I like this collection. This is definitely better than the underwear collection . What do you think? pictures a...
Send your own ElfYourself eCards Merry Christmas from our family to yours!!!
Merry Christmas to all my readers! . Today's photo shows the Gunther family children and some of their friends in Orange on Christma...
I wish each of you a very Merry Christmas filled with love and family and joy!!! The photo above is a copy of our Christmas card insert, t...
What!?!?! I can try.. :DD