The photo above shows the Excelsior Creamery float in the Anaheim Halloween Parade , probably sometime in the 1940s. The map below is from ...

The photo above shows the Excelsior Creamery float in the Anaheim Halloween Parade , probably sometime in the 1940s. The map below is from ...
I received this cute award from Jessica . But you know, there are ALWAYS strings with a blog award. I have to answer a series of questions...
imdb This Lifetime drama project follows a pretty 20-something actress who dies and reincarnates as an older, frumpy attorney. ...
I recently stumbled across this image in U.S. Geological Survey 's online photo library . It shows the Bolsa Chica Gun Club in Hunti...
Ika, Ljubljana
Good news! First American Corp. -- which has one of the best collections of early Orange County photos anywhere -- is beginning to put som...
The pictures from this fashion show in Ljubljana. Sorry for not the best pictures. The models were too fast for my Canon :D trgovina Ika, F...
The voting in the Gypsy 24-Hour Challenge Contest continues for another day. If you have not already voted, please click the link and consi...
The Gypsy 24-hour Design Challenge Project by Susan Edwards Above is the link to my entry to the Gypsy 24-hour challenge. There are four ca...
Liya Kebede for h&m fall 09' Ad Campaign Love the outfits! So warm and pretty! And the new wishlist :D
Well.. I'm disappointed. Pictures are from .