Friday, August 15, 2008

Am citit un articol interesant si m-am gandit sa il impart cu voi. L-am tradus si in engleza pentru vizitatorii straini care sunt in numar f mare si nu sunt deloc de neglijat xDD. Enjoy!


We are made for things that we don't know - curiosity is perhaps the strongest impulse that pushes us to do and know more. But is also the one that can put you in situations of the most unwanted. When something interests you and you see that somewhere is more than you know, you just can’t abtain. Even if it comes to things totally free of importance, you wanna know everything, see everything. In extreme cases, curiosity is transformed into frustration or obsesion. Why? Where? How? You can't think of anything else than the idea that somebody else knows something you should know, too.

Curiosity comes from the desire to know much more, one of the most perverse feelings. Not just because you get to do things you never thought you could do,but because it messes things up arround you."Ignorance is bliss" is easily contradicted - that means denial of knowledge of overdoing your ego. But there are things that you want to believe are perfect,left untouched, as a part of something ideal. You can’t live without beliving in it, you can’t continue wanting more knowing that there is no such thing as MORE.

As you get to learn more, things begin to loose from their value. What was extraordinary before, is already no longer so "extra" if you know what is behind it, what makes it to be like that. And especially if you know that there is something better. Conscious or not you choose to close your eyes and look elsewhere. Curiosity opens doors that you rather didn’t knew they exist. And closes some other doors that you thought they lead to something better. Is a show still so spectacular if we see it behind the scenes? You can answer this question only if u experience it… and then it's already too late.

"Suntem facuti pentru lucrurile pe care nu le cunoastem - curiozitatea e poate cel mai puternic impuls care ne impinge sa facem si sa cunoastem mai multe. Dar e si cel care te poate baga in situatii dintre cele mai de nedorit. Cand ceva te intereseaza si vezi ca undeva e mai mult decat stii tu, pur si simplu nu te poti abtine. Chiar daca e vorba de chestii complet lipsite de importanta in ansamblu, vrei sa stii tot, sa vezi tot. In cazurile extreme, curiozitatea se transforma in frustrare sau obsesie. De ce? Unde? Cum? Nu mai ai nimic altceva pe cap decat ideea ca cineva stie ceva ce ar trebui sa stii si tu.

Curiozitatea vine din dorinta naiva de a sti cat mai multe, unul din cele mai perverse sentimente. Nu doar pentru ca ajungi sa faci lucruri pe care apoi n-ai recunoaste nici in ruptul capului ca le-ai facut, cat pentru ca strica mult in jurul sau. "Ignorance is bliss" e foarte usor de contrazis - ca inseamna plafonare, refuzul cunoasterii, al depasirii de sine. Dar sunt lucruri despre care vrei sa crezi ca sunt perfecte, ca sunt ramase neatinse, ca fac parte din ceva ideal. Nu poti fara sa crezi in asta, nu poti sa continui sa vrei mai mult stiind ca nu exista mai mult.

Pe masura ce ajungi sa afli mai multe, lucrurile ajung sa isi piarda din valoare. Ceea ce era inainte extraordinar, deja nu mai e atat de "extra" daca stii tot ce e in spatele lui, ce il face sa fie asa. Si mai ales daca stii ca exista ceva si mai bun sau ca se poate si mai bine. Constient sau nu, alegi sa inchizi ochii si sa privesti in alta parte. Curiozitatea iti deschide usi de care nici n-ai fi vrut sa stii ca exista. Si ti le inchide pe cele despre care credeai ca te duc spre mai bine, spre mai frumos. Mai e un show atat de spectaculos daca il vezi din spatele scenei? Nu poti sa raspunzi la asta decat din experienta. Si atunci e deja prea tarziu."

Myeah..the article is half true…step by step u get tired of much as u like one thing,after u get to know it better and find out everything about “IT”,the entuziasm fades away…the mistery is lost and you loose the interest for that “thing”.You start to wonder why you liked it so much after all,when in the end it’s nothing more than a common thing.And then..the last step of this process is regret…you start regretting the time you lost loving this “thing”.You start thinking what you could have done with the time you lost, knowing that time is so precious to all of us,and then quickly you desperately try to recover the lost time,and mostly you end up living trying to forget your last obsession,when in the end all you need to do is not needing anymore.

I wonder how far can the curiosity go and mostly i wonder...will it last?


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