Late Breaking News: Stephen Faessel and Jane Newell will give an encore of their presentation on Rudolph Boysen tonight at 7pm at the Yorba Linda Community Center, 4501 Casa Loma Ave. Rudy Boysen (seen in the photo above) was the botonist responsible for the development of the Boysenberry. The berry was named and propagated by Walter Knott. In later years, Boysen was in charge of maintaining Anaheim's parks. I hear this program by Jane and Steve is really great!
Getting at historic newspapers on microfilm may temporarily be difficult at the Santa Ana Public Library. Historian Charles Beal writes, "...The basement area is closed down so you can’t access the microfilm machines. An employee told me the target date of construction completion is November."
Sharon Clairemont, who's in charge of Content Research at the O.C. Register, now has a blog that may be of interest to some of you. It's called "ASK." Sharon writes, "...the idea is to answer any and all questions that come my way. I don't pretend to be an expert on many topics, only a practiced researcher. Anyway, I thought your blog readers might want to know about this new venture and opportunity to 'Ask Us Anything.'"
» Rudolph Boysen, newspaper microfilm, blogs, etc.
Monday, September 8, 2008
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