You first heard it at Phrased Differently...the english you have it DBSK way!
the long waited 26th japanese single! SURVIVOR
[HQ] TVXQ~Survivor PV~ (MTV Version)
the song is good,catchy,the coreography is LAME
[LYRICS] Survivor
EnglishEverytime, everyday
everybody now is a survivor
Looking for everywhere
In this case, don't give up
Standing up from here
searching for the light
Together we have a chance
to change, so let's try
oh baby let's try
With One Smile
you find a heart Shine on me
Two Smiles
that we can join, Shine on me
Shine like the world does
Smile, Smile
Survive, Survivor!
Even if you're going
on a u-turn, it's not so bad
remember something important
Being alone is too hard
We can unite our feelings / thoughts to begin
Oh baby we can
Somewhere there's One Dream
With the main aim to Still (going) on
Two Dreams for a Brand new world
and someone to love
Dream Dream
Let's hug
With One Love
Tomorrow can be So easy
Two Love(s)
that we can join to Be happy
believe in yourself
Love Love
Survive, Survivor
Everyone is a Survivor
Together we are Survivors
Smile and dream now
Everybody Everybody night
With One Smile
you find a heart Shine on me
Two Smiles
that we can join,
Shine like the world does
Smile, Smile
Let’s hug
With One Love
Tomorrow can be So easy
Two Love(s)
that we can join to Be happy
believe in yourself
Love Love
Survive, Survivor
Credits :
For the bloggers, credit as kenoa@soompi with this direct link « » + frapbois@DNBN
Sharedby: DBSKnights
DBSK ~200209 Mirotic Tour Seoul - Yoochun Solo Stage [Full]~
for Yuhno's solo click here
but ya'll gotta be very patient because daum is loading sooo sloooww
but it's worth the wait!
HYUN JOONG!'s kinda complicated..i don't like him for me..i mean i like the couple JoongBo! i really do...and i would very much like them to be togheter someday.I just saw few episodes from "We got married"and i tell you this:THESE TWO PEOPLE LOVE EACH OTHER! I mean come on its SOOO obvious! u hafta be blind to not see it! the thing is..they are both celebrities..and celebrities have "Schedules" and managers that don't care about anything else:(
i so love the way he declares his feelings to her,he is soo innocent and sweet !
u have to see it to know it.

Long story short..this"we got married"(WGM) korean reality show booked three couples and they had to act like a real married couple.JoongBo is one of these couples.The thing is they are an akward one,because of the age gap between the two of them.She is six years older...but in time this wont be a problem anymore,plus she is effin sexy! SO IS HE! they are made for one another.

HAHAHA thank God i found this,or else i would've gone mad until the next Gossip Girl or TRUE BLOOD episode would air. huhuh
you can watch WE GOT MARRIED here
the drama boys over flowers(with hyun joong) here
090221[NEWS+FULL] DBSK - 3rd asia tour MIROTIC COncert INTERVIEW @ yeonyega replay
here is where they talk about jaejoong falling asleep while watching their(yoochun and his) bestfriend's(HYUNG JOONG) drama "BOYS OVER FLOWERS"
the three of them are all good friends and i find jaejoong and joong very similar in many ways (phisicaly and way of thinking) ^^
Hyun Joong & Hwang Bo MV - Don't Say Goodbye
THIS IS AWEEESOME!the song fits their story soo goood!I mean it's like DBSK wrote this freaking song for their friend JOONG and his BUIN(old fashioned word used for wife) Hwang Bo! I MEAN IT!! I recently found this accident and instantly loved it.Iam curently watching WGM,and loving it.
Joong is my curent obsession!! but in a good productive way...HAHA if there is such thing?!! :)))urmm..nevermind back to our stuff !
as for the RANDOM selection we have....
Korean Love Club
HAHAH interesting!i found these two videos..and i think i should share it with u,asian lovers^^
A Korean-American filmmaker and her friends experience dating, Korean-style, for the first time in Koreatown, Los Angeles
gives me ideas of opening a business like that here hahaha
i like the karaoke idea too^^v
click here for the video
Pretty interesting vid. Korean clubbing this weekend? Hmmmm. =)
we sure need one of these arround here too %__%
"Secret Asian 007" is a video about a Korean-American filmmaker who is living a secret life from her traditional Korean family. She describes what it is like to break a major cultural taboo by dating an African American and the struggle to hide her relationship for three years.
click here for the video!
i found this video very interesting..a korean girl struggling with her mother..who couldn't understand her at all...hmm watch it! it has alot to learn mum sounds pretty much as her mum LOL:)))
my mum says koreans are criminals because they eat fished while they still are alive ROFL:) i laughed my heart out when i heard her:))))))))))
aeigoooo parents and their concepts...just ignore them and they'll go away..if ur lucky :))
All The Oscar Photos You'll Ever Need

click here for celebrities appearences at the OSCAR ceremony
and the oscar was held no other place than THE KODAK THEATRE..been there done that:)
arghhh robert pattinson:((((((((((
for more about OSCAR ceremony,gossips and dresses click here fav was as usually...the pitt couple ^_^ brangelina
they looked always!
oh and i almost forgot..congrats to our dear kate winslet..u know her,u loved her in titanic:)

Chris Brown won't let go...
but neither will Rihanna i'd say..
"In a recent tabloid report, a friend of Rihanna revealed that she’s still staying in touch with Brown, and in the process she’s making her loved ones increasingly worried.The pal said, "She keeps saying she wants to make sure that he's okay. She thinks this will all just blow over and they can go back to how they were." Adding fuel to the fire, there are also emerging reports that Chris was getting ready to cheat on Rihanna, and had plenty of inappropriate behavior with other women."
"sorry i stragled you,here's an iPod"

"Sources say that Chris Brown tried to patch things up with Rihanna by sending her an iPod,which means he isn't just a creep,he's a cheap creep.If someone tried to kill me i'd expect at least an iPod."
Chris Brown says he is "sorry and saddened" after being arrested for allegedly beating Rihanna.
The 19-year-old singer - who has been charged with making criminal threats following the reported violent attack on the "Umbrella" singer last week - is seeking counseling and insists he is dedicating himself to becoming a "better person."And we hope, a better singer.
In a statement released by his spokesman, Chris Brown said: "Words cannot begin to express how sorry and saddened I am over what transpired. I am seeking the counseling of my pastor, my mother and other loved ones and I am committed, with God's help, to emerging a better person."
He said: "At some point, she will speak out. I hope she will stand up for women all over the world."So do we. And here’s hoping when she does see him, she smacks him upside the head with an umbrella-ella-ella.

anyways Chris won't get so easy with this one..since he recieved some serious threathens from jay-z:
the same source reporting:
Chris Brown is a ‘dead man walking’ after he allegedly beat up girlfriend Rihanna, according to U.S reports. Hip-hop A-lister Jay-Z, who discovered and broke Umbrella star Rihanna, is reportedly furious with Brown.
The rapper is accused of leaving Rihanna with cuts to her face, a split lip and bite marks on her arm and fingers following an alleged fight in Los Angeles last weekend. “He (Jay-Z) hit the roof,” an insider told Us Weekly magazine. “Chris is a walking dead man. He messed with the wrong crew.” Rihanna has said in interviews how protective Jay-Z is over her, and that guys had to ask his permission to approach her. “I just found out from a mutual friend that guys will talk to Jay first before they try to approach me,” Rihanna told People magazine in 2007. “He’s very protective. Jay has my best interests in mind. “If it’s a good guy, I know Jay won’t shut him down. “But if he’s not, Jay will be like, ‘No, no, no.’credits: