San Juan by-the-Sea was a railroad boom town created in 1887. It was subdivided and marketed, but it never really took off. The busy scene ...

San Juan by-the-Sea was a railroad boom town created in 1887. It was subdivided and marketed, but it never really took off. The busy scene ...
So you know, I was thinking on the way home today and it suddenly hit me (insert light bulb here): I am going to be home alone this weekend!...
Našla sem simpatično stran , kjer so navodila, kako iz stare prevelike reklamne majice narediš luštno majico ali pa iz kosa blaga preprosto ...
Ok, ker sem malo prestavljala omare v sobi sem jih morala izprazniti, da so bile lažje za premikati. Ob praznjenju omar sem odkrila veliko n...
It's Bitten by the Bug Monday and you know what that means.... Time to post this week's challenge. Regina asked the team to use the...
I just received an email from Chris Nichols with a link to a new website , followed with the words, "WOW! The Jack Laxer of Sambo’s ...
Najboljša stvar mi je nakupovanje raznih najlonk,... Lahko si jih privoščim ko sem brez denarja + nimam slabe vesti, da sem spet zapravljala...
Gleda kdo? Sama sem si morala spet nekaj izbrati, ker so skoraj vse serije, ki jih gledam šle h koncu ali pa imajo na vsake dva dela en mese...
Ja, na žalost. Ni več ugibanj o tem ali bo serija še imela nadaljevanja ali ne. Uradno je konec.. :(( Najbolje da skenslajo vse dobre serije...
I spent the weekend with some of my scrapping BFF's at my friends Beth's and Sally's lake house. We had wickedly horrid weather ...
Sama sem že nekaj let obsedena s parfumi. Vedno, ko so me mami/sestra/fant vprašali, kaj bi rada za rojstni dan, je bil odgovor parfum. Ko ...
ShinAe from famous couple AlSin(we got married) got married for real! Alex congratulates ShinAe on marriage , Wednesday March 25, 2009 Korea...