I'd like to welcome the brand-spankin'-new Rancho Santa Margarita Historical Society to the O.C. historical community. They had their first meeting last week! In addition to collecting the history of their young city, they also have a great opportunity to work with neighboring communities to document their shared rancho heritage. It's interesting that the Society was organized by the City itself. I wonder how common that is, and what the pros and cons are.
The Orange County History group on Flickr just reached the 100-member mark. If you haven't visted, joined, or contributed photos yet, please do.
It's definitely worth going back and reading the comments on my old blog posts. I learn a lot from the memories and knowledge you folks contribute. (Thank you all!) A good example are the comments that still come in reguarding my post on the 1965 C-135 crash at Point Lomas. Sobering stuff.
I'll be out speaking tomorrow and Thursday night, so I probably won't post again until the weekend. I hope to see some of you in Dana Point or Orange.