Ken from Outside The Berm , read my recent El Toro / Lake Forest post and shared this 1960 slide of the El Toro Country Store . . The Tu...
hlače in majica zara, jopa h&m - sprobavam fotošop programček :) danes sem si (ne)uspešno malo podaljšala lase :DD + Eno stopalo je odre...
100 - yeeeeej
Evo, moja stota objava. Na začetku sem mislila, da je ne bo, pa mi je bloganje kar malo zlezlo pod kožo :) btw, 3 dni nazaj sem se končno na...
Danes je tak super dan - kot narejen za učenje. Dež pada, nobenega ni zunaj, vsi so zaspani, nič se jim ne da,... Meni pa tako vreme paše. R...
Which one looks worst? :D
Torej, povejte svoje mnenje o teh dveh outfitih. So vam všeč, vam niso, ... ? Ali se vam zdi, da je Beyonce izbrala pravi kroj za svojo post...
Just a Quick Note
This is not craft related in any way, but I wanted to share my roses and day lilies with you. My roses have just exploded over the last week...
the album is allready no1 on Mnet ^__^ check it out on the official site: yes! as promised,9:04 minutes of the music dr...
Space Age Orange and Viewliner Ltd.
Today I'm posting photos of two Space Age wonders from the Orange Public Library 's history collection . The first image (top) sho...
Chirp! Chirp!
It seems that I owe my friend and neighbor Andrea another big thank you.... I entered the Thank You card I made for her to the Cricut Chirp!...
Citrus trucks and Tustin Hills Citrus Association
The images above come from the April 1937 issue of Popular Mechanics . The accompanying article reads, "Constant breaking of trees and...
Ste vedele, da ima Balmain tudi produkte za nego las . Sama sem to opazila danes v kopalnici, ko sem se česala s krtačo za lase. :) Malo sem...
Thank Goodness for Ice Cream Cones
** Cute file has been added to the downloadable list in the left hand column.** The designers' challenge this week over at Bitten by the...
New Vinyl Cut For My Honda Minivan
Remember some months ago when I cut the vinyl cricuts for my and my cricut loving friends vehicles? I decided to create a second vinyl cut f...
malo pomoči prosim :)
Že nekaj časa si želim imeti kožne salonarje. So nek tak basic kos, ki res paše povsod. Sedaj jih po naših slabo založenih trgovinah iščem ž...
El Toro
Here are two of my favorite things, mashed together: Local history and "California School" watercolor painting. This painting han...
Saturday Scrapping Adventures
I have literally spent almost the entire day in my scrap room. I had five projects to create for a little venture I am involved in, as well ...
Počasi postajam obsedena s to trgovino :S Nekaj novih kosov , za katere upam, da jih bodo videle tudi naše trgovine (in moja omara :D ). btw...
h&m norija
Ok, verjamem da si pač želijo en dizajnerski kos.. samo da se ljudje napol pretepajo.. da čakajo 12 ur pred trgovino, da se odpre... TO JE P...
tuji modni blogi prvič
Par mojih najljubših tujih blogov.. Alice in Wonderland - punca obvlada plastenje. Nase ponavadi "nameče" po deset kosov, vendar ...
petek: gremo ven :D
jakna, črna majica, pleten srebrn top, torba - h&m harem pants - zara trf čevlji - bronx
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