yes! as promised,9:04 minutes of the music drama special !!
more to come stay tunned aye?big thanks and credits to: hoonfami
28.4.09 F4 5 years Later - Ep 2 Yi Jung Story - Boys Over Flowers - Mnet Music Drama
rtist(s) : Various Artists
Mini Album : F4 [Special Edition]
Release Date: 28.04.2009
Language : Korean
Bit Rate: 192 kpbs
The song featured in the BOF Music Drama trailer is track #1 by Kim Joon.
*Red text are new songs.
1. 비워내기 (Feat. 김조한 KIM JO HAN) - 김준 (KIM JOON)
2. 지금 만나러 갑니다 - 김범 (KIM BUM)
3. 나쁜 마음을 먹게해 (클럽 Club Version) - 티맥스 (T-MAX)
4. 숨겨봐도 안되는 마음 - 이지혜 (LEE JI HYE)
5. 행복이란 - 김현중 (Kim Hyun Joong)
6. 가슴이 어떻게 됐나봐 - A & T
7. 나쁜 마음을 먹게해 (Ballad Version) - 티맥스 (T-MAX)
8. 나쁜 마음을 먹게해 (Dance Version) - 티맥스 (T-MAX)
9. 널 사랑해 (Bang Bang Boom) - 티맥스 (T-MAX)
All 9 tracks are included in the file.
Download links:
credits: lovekoreastar++boysoverflowers-sg.blogspot.com
credits: soompi + lks + daum
Mini Album : F4 [Special Edition]
Release Date: 28.04.2009
Language : Korean
Bit Rate: 192 kpbs
The song featured in the BOF Music Drama trailer is track #1 by Kim Joon.
*Red text are new songs.
1. 비워내기 (Feat. 김조한 KIM JO HAN) - 김준 (KIM JOON)
2. 지금 만나러 갑니다 - 김범 (KIM BUM)
3. 나쁜 마음을 먹게해 (클럽 Club Version) - 티맥스 (T-MAX)
4. 숨겨봐도 안되는 마음 - 이지혜 (LEE JI HYE)
5. 행복이란 - 김현중 (Kim Hyun Joong)
6. 가슴이 어떻게 됐나봐 - A & T
7. 나쁜 마음을 먹게해 (Ballad Version) - 티맥스 (T-MAX)
8. 나쁜 마음을 먹게해 (Dance Version) - 티맥스 (T-MAX)
9. 널 사랑해 (Bang Bang Boom) - 티맥스 (T-MAX)
All 9 tracks are included in the file.
Download links:
credits: lovekoreastar++boysoverflowers-sg.blogspot.com
credits: soompi + lks + daum
[LIVE HQ 09.04.09]T-Max (티맥스) - 나쁜 마음 먹게해 (Fight The Bad Feeling)
[LIVE HQ 09.04.09]Kim Joon (김준) & Kang Min Kyung (강민경) - I Love You Oh Thank You
kim joon performing a cover of saranghae gomawo from MC MONG

since he was not so much into the spotlight in the drama,he gets all the attention now
he modeled for andre kim and now the special edition of BOF is told from his point of view.he even has a GF too in the "5 years later" special edition of BOF stay tunned for more updates
he modeled for andre kim and now the special edition of BOF is told from his point of view.he even has a GF too in the "5 years later" special edition of BOF stay tunned for more updates

mmmmkayyy lets see....since its been suuuuch a long time since we updated the blog...i decided to go throught the headlines of most of the sites i visit and "Extract" the esential.
as u can see "uri" F4 have been very very busy lately.today was released the first episode of the SPECIAL EDITION of BOF.next episode comming up next week.
looks like the episodes come out as musical video..i m not sure yet since the full episode has not been uploaded YET! i m still checking youtube for it.if u found it please let me know.just leave a message in the c-box.kamsahamnida:D
now lets check out just some of the many CFs and adds that F4 have been working at
Kim Bum Mario Kart Wii CF - Full version
more vids on wii's official site;)Kim Bum It's Skin CF 30sec 20090418
09.04.23 Haptic Mission TV CF (eng trans)
and surprise!!
Kim Bum singing at Japan Fanmeeting
he can sing too!
ah perfect much? xD
28.4.09 Kim Hyun Joong, Kim Bum, Kim Joon, Son Dambi -Haptic Mission - Long CF Version 2 part 1/3
just follow the links there to see the rest of the parts^^enjoy28.4.09Hyun Joong, Kim Bum, Kim Joon, Son Dambi - Haptic Mission CF- Long Version 1 part 1/3
another version!28.4.09 F4 5 years Later - Ep 2 Kim Joon Story - Boys Over Flowers - Mnet / 비워내기
ah the long waited special edition...its a bit confusing but i think things will be clear soon enough..this just leaked today so please be patiens..the other parts will be uploaded soon on ytb we have the users promise ^~ :"Yi jung Story , Please wait!!! I will upload soon.
F4 Special has 2 parts.
part 1 released tonight with Woo Bin and Yi Jung Story. /13mins (Ep 1+ Ep2 )
part 2 is coming next week with Pyo and Ji Hoo Story./13mins ( Ep 3 + Ep 4)
I love this song :D
The first track on F4 Special Edition feat. Kim Bum and Kim Jun:
비워내기 (Feat 김조한) - 김준(Biweonaegi (Feat. Kim Jo Han) - Kim Jun) "
here u can download the songs from the special edition album:
F4 Special Edition Mp3 and Download Link
[090424]SBS.Intimate Note-SJ.Gee and SorrySorry Dance cross-dressing
ah this is too much for me to handle i laughed my heart out!
must see:)
i have a permanent grinn on my face since i saw this vid haha
puts a smile on my face every time i watch it.
they are outta control!!!! hahaha
Im sure most of u allready know this one:
[MV CF Vers.1 HQ/HD 720p]Lee Min Ho (이민호) feat Jessica Gomez - Extreme (익스트림)
lee minho's digital single extreme.until next time..something to...

its serious sh#|