The Register's website now features a slideshow from the recent Golden Bear reunion in Huntington Beach.
They also ran a good story about the final leg of Glenn Frank's Dreger Clock restoration project.
It's been a while since I rounded up recent YouTube videos related to O.C. history, so I though I'd catch us up a bit,...
First of all, you can see the airplane crash that killed noted O.C. aviator/stuntman Paul Mantz. No, we don't see any gore, thank God. Just a plane in a lot of trouble.
Huell Howser's visit to historic Anaheim (with Cynthia Ward as tour guide) has also been posted to YouTube as a six-part series. Here are links to the various segments: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6.
The "Great Park" people have also posted some snippets from oral histories conducted by CSUF's Center for Oral & Public History as part of their MCAS El Toro project.
The "Great Park" people have also posted some snippets from oral histories conducted by CSUF's Center for Oral & Public History as part of their MCAS El Toro project.
There's also a funky mini-documentary about Tim Rush of the Santa Ana Historial Preservation Society.
Just in time for Fall, there's now an ad on YouTube for the Orange County Football Book. (Based on the ad's dramatic music, you'd think the book was about something more important than playing games.)
Someone has also posted footage of El Morro Trailer Park in the 1960s. (Search the same guy's YouTube account to find the rest of it.)
And finally, Chris Epting has posted another installment in his Disneyland series -- this time using some old photos from Daveland as a starting point.