Tuesday, January 12, 2010

I LOVE CurlMart.com!  Maybe you might be thinking, okay AHS, but your hair isn't curly it's relaxed so why are you over at Curl Mart?  Well, as you know I'm doing the whole Mega-Tek Challenge thing and I'm trying to use products without protein to avoid protein overload.   So some kinda way I ended up on Curl Mart looking at products and what is so great, is that the site has an ingredient tool bar that let's you know if a product what a product doesn't have it in, ex. Silicions or Proteins.  See, what I'm talking about:

If your product has no cones (or silicone-free) you will see that right next to the product.  No searching through ingredient lists wondering if something has proteins or not.  LOVES it!

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