I just finished another steaming treatment and the whole process just keeps getting better. I'm so pleased with my new steamer, so far I've been using it weekly to pre-poo and deep condition. I'm loving the results so much that I think I've completely revamped my regimen to include my steamer, more on that another day. I've only used my steamer a few times so far, so I can't say I'm seeing a drastic change in my hair but I see small changes. For example, shine. For my second steam treatment, I decided to pre-poo with only coconut oil so I applied coconut oil to my entire head of hair from ends to roots and even applied it to my scalp. I clipped my ends up and sat under the steamer for about an hour watching some TV shows, usually NCIS
More benefits of using a hair steamer:
1. Tons of added moisture
2. Increased Shine
3. Increased manageability of new growth
4. Softer feeling hair
5. Less hair breakage or hair fall
6. Decrease in dandruff cause by dry scalp
7. Less tangles and knots - easy detangling