Can we talk about John Edwards for minute or two....and hubris.
Unquestionably one of the smartest lawyers in the country and on the fast track to Vice Presidency.
How...no really...how could this man have had so much hubris as to impregnate his mistress and worse leave a sex tape out there for all to eventually see. Wasn't it enough for him to nail the young blond, did he have to record his exploits on video for posterity?
Yeah John, there are two Americas; the one where men have enough respect for their wives who are actively campaigning for them while suffering from cancer to keep their private live private and the other one where men who claim to be "family' oriented, frolic with their baby mamas and then worse, tape their exploits.
It's a good thing that you have a 28,000 square foot house so that your wife can get all of it and the assets to support it.
John, you couldn't have just had a discreet affair? At your age couldn't you have managed the withdrawal method? John, god knows that you are photogenic but was it that awesome...was it worth it?