Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Thomas Dunkin of Sebastian Professional was backstage at the Fall 2010 presentation for Band of Outsiders creating low-slung ponytails that subtly nod to ‘70s style without losing themselves to the past.
Rock the Look:

1. Apply Sebastian Professional Texturizer throughout damp hair.

2. Blow-dry hair using only your hands to create unkempt, natural texture and a sporty flair.

3. When the hair is nearly dry, spritz Volupt Spray for added texture and then dry hair completely. For extreme texture add another dose of Volupt Spray to hair and blow dry again.

4. Finally, part hair down the middle and fasten it back with a tie just below the eyes. Create height to the crown by lightly pushing and pulling the hair forward, away from the tie. To add definition or tame fly-aways, apply a small amount of Matte Putty to fingers and style as desired.

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