Tuesday, March 9, 2010

California State Parks supervising historian James D. Newland will discuss the history of the Cleveland National Forest at the Orange County Historical Society's meeting this Thursday, March 11, 7:30pm, at Trinity Episcopal Church, 2400 N. Canal St., Orange. Mr. Newland will have copies of his recent book (on the same topic) available for sale after his talk.
Today's photos are both scenes from the 460,000-acre Cleveland National Forest. The image above shows local officials during their ride to inspect the route of the proposed Ortega Highway, in the mid-1920s. The center man standing on his horse is Orange County Supervisor Willard Smith. To his left (or our right) is Supervisor William Schumacher.
The second photo, below, is a view of Orange County from atop Santiago Peak on Dec. 23, 1974. It's amazing to see how much empty land was still left between the mountains and the Pacific.
Hope to see you Thursday!
09 Mar 2010

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