Monday, March 15, 2010

Are Monogamists smarter?
According to a new study, there may be a practical way to find out if your man is going to be faithful to you … test his IQ. If you’re a wise lady, then you should be looking for a very smart man, because researchers in the U.K. have discovered that high IQ and the ability to be monogamous are related in men. Why? Because intelligent men are more evolved. Yeah, tell us something we don’t already know. The evolutionary psychologist who ran the study theorizes that the smarter a man is, the less susceptible he is to indulging in his primal urges to impregnate as many women as he can. Also it’s just straight-up smart not to piss your woman off.
Since we can basically find a behavioral report that we can extrapolate just about anything from, I'm not quite buying the statistical significance of this study. How large was the sample I wonder?
But I think that the higher the IQ, the more likely both men and women can keep up the appearance of monogamy.
And further on the subject of behavioral studies that are in need of being contested...
Really? What about ultra orthodox Jewish men or devout conservative Catholic men.
Nonsense, total nonsense.
15 Mar 2010

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