Hey...it's been a long time:)
I grew older since i last updated this blog ...many things happened...
I had my graduation party

became one year older...completed one of my dreams...that's eating at a korean restaurant!
Oh and i spoke to Crown J again,only this time on facebook:)
His new MV is comming out real soon,please look forward to that:)its gonna be FLY!
Bibimbap with hot sauce and chapchae(right corner)
Chapchae with side salads
chicken with sesame and hot sauce
and last but not least..kimchi and some other very spicy side dishes...and i mean VEEERY SPICY

norebang(karaoke) album.check out no 6501^^
ofcourse we sang that!well...hummed at least:)))
the cover of the norebang album..find any familiar sign?or should i say..constellation? xD
yeap!! its cassiopeia!

Im currently watching this drama Personal Taste..two more episodes and it ends...great drama...
I finally found My name is Kim Sam Soon and downloaded it...gonna watch it..sometime.
I just started watching Sex and the City tonight:) huh 6 seasons...i wonder if i'll graduate if i keep watching so many stuff+books...Plus the upcomming dramas...Yoochun's and Changmin's...
And im really looking forward for the next season of True blood this summer,and Sex and the City 2(the movie),and IRIS 2 and and and and...
If i should count the series im currently watching..u'll say im crazy.You don't believe me?Ok..here i go...:
Personal taste
Flash forward
Fly girls
Vampire diaries(just ended but still counts)
Gossip Girl
Sunao ni narenakute
Sex and the City
My name is Kim Sam Soon(soon to watch)
But really..personal taste is really great.LMH is such a great actor.
You should def check it out if u havent allready.
Im planning to see We got married season2 sometimes soon...Im sure u're wondering when do i study?...well...:))))))I'm not gonna answer that question.

I'll let u enjoy this song from the last episode of this season.
Ah btw im looking for the pic Haru has on her cellphone in Sunao ni narenakute.,,the one Nakaji took with his cellphone and posted on twitter(the sunset one).I reeaaaally want that pic so if u find it or something very familiar with that please let me know!
Finals are here...again...only this time..mine are really final! LOL
I'm graduating that is ^_^or at least i hope so...if i pass all my exams..so no time to upload the blog so much sorry...Good luck at ur exams and see you soon...
FIGHTING!!! kkk~~^^

Sunao ni narenakure ep5 raw download here
Mirotic Crystal alaturi de R.A.F,Primadonna Romania,ELF Romania si YG Family invita toti fanii K-Pop,K-Drama si K-Culture sa participe la primul fanmeeting in cinstea traditilor si culturilor din Coreea de Sud.
Indrumati de Byung Soo oppa,astazi,in urma unei sedinte cu reprezentantii,administratorii si moderatorii fancluburilor am stabilit mai multe detalii legate de fanmeeting.Am dezbatut evenimentul si am stabilit unele detalii.Va rugam cititi cu atentie datele de mai jos:
Data: 1 August 2010
Orasul: Bucuresti *
Scopul: Prima intalnire oficiala a iubitorilor de muzica,filme si cultura din Coreea de Sud.
Prezentatori: Dee [Mirotic Crystal] si Gey [R.A.F]
Esti interesat sa participi?Inscrie-te pe lista si vei primi invitatia de participare.
Pentru fanii formatiei Dong Bang Shin Ki [DBSK,DBSH,Tohoshinki]:
Mirotic Crystal [lasati un post cu numele complet,emailul sau numarul de telefon]
Pentru fanii formatiei Super Junior [Suju]:
ELF Romania [lasati un post cu numele complet,emailul sau numarul de telefon] **
Pentru fanii formatiei Five Treasure Island [FT Island]:
Primadonna Romania [lasati un post cu numele complet,emailul sau numarul de telefon] **
Pentru fanii formatiilor Big Bang si 2ne1:
YG Family [lasati un post cu numele complet,emailul sau numarul de telefon si speficati al cui fan sunteti] **
Pentru fanii altor formatii sau ai dramelor care nu se incadreaza in niciuna dintre fancluburile de mai sus va rog inregistrati-va pe forumul R.A.F [lasati un post cu numele complet,emailul sau numarul de telefon si speficati al cui fan sunteti] **
Daca sunteti membru al mai multor fancluburi sau comunitati,nu va inscrieti decat in unul dintre ele.Inscrieti-va doar in fanclubul al carui/caror artist/i vrei sa il/ii reprezinti.In caz contrar invatia e anulata.Va rugam sa intelegeti ca fiecare fanclub trebuie sa isi asigure cu exactitate numarul de invitati,de aceea datele dumneavoastra sunt foarte importante.
[*] Locul in care se va desfasura activitatea fanmeetingului nu a fost inca stabilit.Fanii care locuiesc in Bucuresti,va rugam ajutati-ne cu gasirea unui local potrivit.
[**] Administratori ai fancluburilor,va rog creati un topic in care membri sau musafiri pot posta datele lor pentru inscriere.
Administratori & moderatori:
Byung Soo m-a rugat sa fac un raport cu privire la fancluburile participante la fanmeeting.Va rog cititi cu atentie cerintele de mai jos:
Pana atunci va rog trimiteti-mi documentul cu membri inscrisi pe forum si cel cu istoricul fanclubului.
Activitatile ce se vor desfasura in cadrul fanmeetingului si alte detalii vor fi publicate dupa urmatoarea sedinta.
Avem nevoie de cel putin 50 de participanti.
P.S: Pentru cei interesati sa participe,si nu sunt inscrisi pe nici un forum sau fanclub,puteti lasa datele voastre de contact in comentariu la acest post,si veti fi contactati.Va multumesc.
Yoochun updates his cyworld background picture with meaningful words...
I grew older since i last updated this blog ...many things happened...
I had my graduation party
became one year older...completed one of my dreams...that's eating at a korean restaurant!
Oh and i spoke to Crown J again,only this time on facebook:)
His new MV is comming out real soon,please look forward to that:)its gonna be FLY!
Bibimbap with hot sauce and chapchae(right corner)




norebang(karaoke) album.check out no 6501^^


yeap!! its cassiopeia!

Im currently watching this drama Personal Taste..two more episodes and it ends...great drama...
I finally found My name is Kim Sam Soon and downloaded it...gonna watch it..sometime.
I just started watching Sex and the City tonight:) huh 6 seasons...i wonder if i'll graduate if i keep watching so many stuff+books...Plus the upcomming dramas...Yoochun's and Changmin's...
And im really looking forward for the next season of True blood this summer,and Sex and the City 2(the movie),and IRIS 2 and and and and...
If i should count the series im currently watching..u'll say im crazy.You don't believe me?Ok..here i go...:
Personal taste
Flash forward
Fly girls
Vampire diaries(just ended but still counts)
Gossip Girl
Sunao ni narenakute
Sex and the City
My name is Kim Sam Soon(soon to watch)
But really..personal taste is really great.LMH is such a great actor.

Im planning to see We got married season2 sometimes soon...Im sure u're wondering when do i study?...well...:))))))I'm not gonna answer that question.

The Vampire Diaries Music - Bloodstream - Stateless
Vampire Diaries ended T.T what am i gonna do until september..ah and the ending was such a cliff hanger!!!I'll let u enjoy this song from the last episode of this season.
Ah btw im looking for the pic Haru has on her cellphone in Sunao ni narenakute.,,the one Nakaji took with his cellphone and posted on twitter(the sunset one).I reeaaaally want that pic so if u find it or something very familiar with that please let me know!
Finals are here...again...only this time..mine are really final! LOL
I'm graduating that is ^_^or at least i hope so...if i pass all my exams..so no time to upload the blog so much sorry...Good luck at ur exams and see you soon...
FIGHTING!!! kkk~~^^
Sunao ni narenakure ep5 raw download here
Fanmeeting:Updates [27 Aprilie 2010]
Mirotic Crystal alaturi de R.A.F,Primadonna Romania,ELF Romania si YG Family invita toti fanii K-Pop,K-Drama si K-Culture sa participe la primul fanmeeting in cinstea traditilor si culturilor din Coreea de Sud.
Indrumati de Byung Soo oppa,astazi,in urma unei sedinte cu reprezentantii,administratorii si moderatorii fancluburilor am stabilit mai multe detalii legate de fanmeeting.Am dezbatut evenimentul si am stabilit unele detalii.Va rugam cititi cu atentie datele de mai jos:
Data: 1 August 2010
Orasul: Bucuresti *
Scopul: Prima intalnire oficiala a iubitorilor de muzica,filme si cultura din Coreea de Sud.
Prezentatori: Dee [Mirotic Crystal] si Gey [R.A.F]
Esti interesat sa participi?Inscrie-te pe lista si vei primi invitatia de participare.
Pentru fanii formatiei Dong Bang Shin Ki [DBSK,DBSH,Tohoshinki]:
Mirotic Crystal [lasati un post cu numele complet,emailul sau numarul de telefon]
Pentru fanii formatiei Super Junior [Suju]:
ELF Romania [lasati un post cu numele complet,emailul sau numarul de telefon] **
Pentru fanii formatiei Five Treasure Island [FT Island]:
Primadonna Romania [lasati un post cu numele complet,emailul sau numarul de telefon] **
Pentru fanii formatiilor Big Bang si 2ne1:
YG Family [lasati un post cu numele complet,emailul sau numarul de telefon si speficati al cui fan sunteti] **
Pentru fanii altor formatii sau ai dramelor care nu se incadreaza in niciuna dintre fancluburile de mai sus va rog inregistrati-va pe forumul R.A.F [lasati un post cu numele complet,emailul sau numarul de telefon si speficati al cui fan sunteti] **
Daca sunteti membru al mai multor fancluburi sau comunitati,nu va inscrieti decat in unul dintre ele.Inscrieti-va doar in fanclubul al carui/caror artist/i vrei sa il/ii reprezinti.In caz contrar invatia e anulata.Va rugam sa intelegeti ca fiecare fanclub trebuie sa isi asigure cu exactitate numarul de invitati,de aceea datele dumneavoastra sunt foarte importante.
[*] Locul in care se va desfasura activitatea fanmeetingului nu a fost inca stabilit.Fanii care locuiesc in Bucuresti,va rugam ajutati-ne cu gasirea unui local potrivit.
[**] Administratori ai fancluburilor,va rog creati un topic in care membri sau musafiri pot posta datele lor pentru inscriere.
Administratori & moderatori:
Byung Soo m-a rugat sa fac un raport cu privire la fancluburile participante la fanmeeting.Va rog cititi cu atentie cerintele de mai jos:
- Creati un document Word cu titlul "Participanti la fanmeeting-ul Kpop 2010 [scrieti in aceasta paranteza numele fanclubului]".
- Scrieti datele complete alte participantilor in acel document [pentru participantii care nu sunt siguri ca vor veni faceti o alta coloana in acelasi document]
- Creati un al document Word si numele "Membrii [scrieti in aceasta paranteza numele fanclubului]".
- In acesta scrieti nickname-ul si alaturi id-ul fiecarui membru inregistrat in fanclub,fie el activ sau nu.
- De asemenea am nevoie de un mic istoric al fancluburilor,cand s-a infiintat,de catre cine si de ce.
- Raportul cu privire la numarul de membri inscrisi in fancluburi trebuie predat pana pe data de Duminica,2 Mai 2010.
Pana atunci va rog trimiteti-mi documentul cu membri inscrisi pe forum si cel cu istoricul fanclubului.
Activitatile ce se vor desfasura in cadrul fanmeetingului si alte detalii vor fi publicate dupa urmatoarea sedinta.
Avem nevoie de cel putin 50 de participanti.
P.S: Pentru cei interesati sa participe,si nu sunt inscrisi pe nici un forum sau fanclub,puteti lasa datele voastre de contact in comentariu la acest post,si veti fi contactati.Va multumesc.
Yoochun updates his cyworld background picture with meaningful words...
2) Even the time when wind stayed for a while...."[right corner]
thanks for the translation mysweetcity@twitter
I think he still has something for his ex Gahee(AfterSchool)...X_x
Don't forget to tune into FujiTv tomorrow(15th of April) at 10:00 PM(japan time) to watch Jaejung's japanese drama live!!You can use Keyhole to watch online.no password needed.its the channel right under MIDNIGHT one^_-
Let's suport him ok?!
Yoochun updated his cyworld again.He changes his minihoompi,with a nice glittering yellow rose ...and "be happy" message.cute..as far as i know yellow rose means jelousy.^_^

credit: mire@sharingyoochun
JAECHUNSU Thanks giving live in DOME
/I know this stirred things up and it created a big fuss amongst the fans...please don't let SM Ent furfill its purpose...that is dividing us(Cassies) in 2 parts[HoMin-JaeChunSu]...That's exactly what they want to do...they saw the trio's solo careers were working just fine w/o them and they thought "Hey what if we interfeere again?" GRRR h8 h8 h8 SM SFM!
So please...stop judging the three members for their solo careers or for this new unit for thanksgiving,and be thankful we can at least see the 3 of them if not the 5 2gheter on stage...the time will come...just please wait and suport! dont be hating and bashing..cause its not their fault..
Min and Yunho are having their solo careers,too..so...pls.Im saying all these bc of some ugly tweets i've read after the news of the trio unit leaked TT.TT it hurts me to see that ur responding the way SM wants u to...
i really like this picture.Do they look happy to you?!!! I dont think so!

It has been decided that Junsu, Jejung and Yuchun will form a new unit!
The 3 have signed a new contract with Avex Management, consisting of an exclusive management contract, and will begin activities.
Also, to show their gratitude towards the fans, these 3 decided that they will perform at the Dome as a new unit.
For more details, a notice will be put up once more information is known.
Please look forward to it!!
■5 June (Sat) Venue opens: 16:00/Performance begins: 18:00
Kyocera Dome, Osaka
■6 June (Sun) Venue opens: 14:00/Performance begins: 16:00
Kyocera Dome, Osaka
■12 June (Sat) Venue opens: 16:00/Performance begins: 18:00
Tokyo Dome
■13 June (Sun) Venue opens: 16:00/Performance begins: 18:00
Tokyo Dome
※Please note that the opening and starting time may change.
Tickets go on sale on 15 April (Noon) - 22 April (6pm)
More details here. (t/n: page currently unavailable)
Source: [bigeast fc]
Translation credits: mandasoh@tohosomnia.net
Shared by: tohosomnia.net
Do not remove/add on any credits
The 3 have signed a new contract with Avex Management, consisting of an exclusive management contract, and will begin activities.
Also, to show their gratitude towards the fans, these 3 decided that they will perform at the Dome as a new unit.
For more details, a notice will be put up once more information is known.
Please look forward to it!!
■5 June (Sat) Venue opens: 16:00/Performance begins: 18:00
Kyocera Dome, Osaka
■6 June (Sun) Venue opens: 14:00/Performance begins: 16:00
Kyocera Dome, Osaka
■12 June (Sat) Venue opens: 16:00/Performance begins: 18:00
Tokyo Dome
■13 June (Sun) Venue opens: 16:00/Performance begins: 18:00
Tokyo Dome
※Please note that the opening and starting time may change.
Tickets go on sale on 15 April (Noon) - 22 April (6pm)
More details here. (t/n: page currently unavailable)
Source: [bigeast fc]
Translation credits: mandasoh@tohosomnia.net
Shared by: tohosomnia.net
Do not remove/add on any credits
I luv this song!
Im sure all of u missed JJ very much and were very happy to see him live today on the japanese show.For those who havent seen the live show for various reasons there are the ninja cassies providing u with fast HQ videos as always^^There were allready videos uploaded on youtube while we were watching it:) How cool is that??
100412 Waratte Iitomo SP - JAEJOONG Cut (longer version)
Make sure u tune into FujiTv this Thursday for Jaejung's first episode of his first japanese drama!! Airs at 10:00PM Japan time and its 16:00 Pm romania time.Check ur local time for the airing time and make sure u watch! Let's suport him ok?^__^ Fighting!
JJ on Fuji tv
Breaking news!!!!

Jaejung(aka JUN)^^ is gonna be live tomorrow on a japanese show
be sure u tune in to FujiTv,u can watch it online with Keyhole,works perfectly fine..i just tried it,no password needed!
Just make sure u check the time difference and watch it at ur current local time^_-
for example,in Romania its gonna be tomorrow at 15:00PM
credits for the pic:Mr Chiba's twitter
"The TV show'll air tomorrow night 12th.at 9:00pm-11:30pm on Fuji tv what's called YORUNO WARATTE IITOMO!HARU DRAMA SHOKKING"
thanks to my friend @kiraRIEjung for the tip^_-
The P.S:I LOVE YOU project has completed succesfuly!
P.S. I Love You Shades of Jae'd First Official Project For Kim Jae Joong
Our PR Representative went to Seoul with our fellow member silent_whisper. They took our project with them and today (30-03-'10) they went to visit Crebeau Jeff where they handed the project over to a very friendly Korean male employee who promised to send it to Kim Jaejoong asap ^^

The whole project (Postcards in Messenger bag, fansigns with digital frame, T-Shirt for Jaejoong-sshi, Jae'l Break DVD with messages, letter to Jaejoong himself and letter to his family + chocolates) was given.

The other 2 letters to Junsu-sshi's family and Yoochun-sshi's family, will be given tomorrow when the two girls go to Junsu's father's pizza place and Yoochun's family's Gelato store ^^
We got Junsu's family Mozart chocolates xDD
the lovely digital frame where jj is gonna watch his lovely cassies anytime he wants



The DVD with the subbed game in korean so he can understand it completely
maybe he'll play it too and visit the participating sites..which include this blog too^^kyaah
✖ Project idea by Kyra (Kyramelodya), Lin (mitsukai), Chloe (_kuroii_) and Heike (Tisha).
✖ Letters to Jaejoong-sshi, Jaejoong-sshi's family & Yoochun-sshi's / Junsu-sshi's family written by Kyra (Kyramelodya)
✖ Information letters about Shades Of Jae'd written by Kyra (Kyramelodya)
✖ Letters and booklet translations by Sera (Heike's Korean friend, living in Seoul.)
✖ Shirt design, frame design, envelope SOJ design by Chloe (_kuroii_)
✖ project sponsors: Kyra (Kyramelodya), Lin (mitsukai), Chloe (_kuroii_), Heike (Tisha) and the lovely members who donated to SOJ in the meantime ^^
Our special thanks goes to Sera, who kindly took her time to translate all of our messages, letters, info etc to Korean. Also a thanks to Heike and Judie Anne who took the project for us and brought it to Crebeau Jeff ^^
Everyone: thank you so much for sending your postcards and fansigns.
They were very lovely ^^ We're sure Kim Jaejoong will feel our and your love and will be happy for the efforts we've all made ^^ Fighting for next time! "
more details here
Thank u all who participated,we are jjang
Piccies from twitter:
JUN's Bday message for Mr. Chiba LOL "JUN" ur so random sometimes
haha these were posted today on Mr. Chiba's twitter...I guess its from his Bday party
looks like someone has been having lots of fun..and booze^_^kkkk

Jaejung(aka JUN)^^ is gonna be live tomorrow on a japanese show
be sure u tune in to FujiTv,u can watch it online with Keyhole,works perfectly fine..i just tried it,no password needed!
Just make sure u check the time difference and watch it at ur current local time^_-
for example,in Romania its gonna be tomorrow at 15:00PM

"The TV show'll air tomorrow night 12th.at 9:00pm-11:30pm on Fuji tv what's called YORUNO WARATTE IITOMO!HARU DRAMA SHOKKING"
thanks to my friend @kiraRIEjung for the tip^_-
The P.S:I LOVE YOU project has completed succesfuly!
P.S. I Love You Shades of Jae'd First Official Project For Kim Jae Joong
Our PR Representative went to Seoul with our fellow member silent_whisper. They took our project with them and today (30-03-'10) they went to visit Crebeau Jeff where they handed the project over to a very friendly Korean male employee who promised to send it to Kim Jaejoong asap ^^

The whole project (Postcards in Messenger bag, fansigns with digital frame, T-Shirt for Jaejoong-sshi, Jae'l Break DVD with messages, letter to Jaejoong himself and letter to his family + chocolates) was given.

The other 2 letters to Junsu-sshi's family and Yoochun-sshi's family, will be given tomorrow when the two girls go to Junsu's father's pizza place and Yoochun's family's Gelato store ^^
We got Junsu's family Mozart chocolates xDD





maybe he'll play it too and visit the participating sites..which include this blog too^^kyaah

✖ Project idea by Kyra (Kyramelodya), Lin (mitsukai), Chloe (_kuroii_) and Heike (Tisha).
✖ Letters to Jaejoong-sshi, Jaejoong-sshi's family & Yoochun-sshi's / Junsu-sshi's family written by Kyra (Kyramelodya)
✖ Information letters about Shades Of Jae'd written by Kyra (Kyramelodya)
✖ Letters and booklet translations by Sera (Heike's Korean friend, living in Seoul.)
✖ Shirt design, frame design, envelope SOJ design by Chloe (_kuroii_)
✖ project sponsors: Kyra (Kyramelodya), Lin (mitsukai), Chloe (_kuroii_), Heike (Tisha) and the lovely members who donated to SOJ in the meantime ^^
Our special thanks goes to Sera, who kindly took her time to translate all of our messages, letters, info etc to Korean. Also a thanks to Heike and Judie Anne who took the project for us and brought it to Crebeau Jeff ^^
Everyone: thank you so much for sending your postcards and fansigns.
They were very lovely ^^ We're sure Kim Jaejoong will feel our and your love and will be happy for the efforts we've all made ^^ Fighting for next time! "
more details here
Thank u all who participated,we are jjang
Piccies from twitter:
JUN's Bday message for Mr. Chiba LOL "JUN" ur so random sometimes





they sure know how to have fun
credits for the pic:doragon0411@twitter(Mr.Chiba)
the next pics are screencaps taken by me before easter when mr max made a videochat live on twitter:
click to enlarge pic.i luv his minihoompi
click to enlarge pic!

some Yunho eyecandy

and some JJ eyecandy(biased much) can't help it



Zuno is moving fast

long story short..the woman in charge there had to open my psoters to check them and she was like:"CHINEESE?" and i was like:"KOREAN!!!!" and yes she was staring at my beautiful posters too much! i gave her the eye o_O grrr:)) ROFL
thanks bb for the present,u the best<3 onblur="try {parent.deselectBloggerImageGracefully();} catch(e) {}" href="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgkJ1SZA5KN3FDOWozST6YwxTO1O9-jfdB8YDBthA5pederbZvdwwLLO5pANrmeOBLDqlIpeKrB4HZ43wcF7SLaf1mbBfLnK3-4uUB1w_Aj8mh9-VoIQ0H9YhNUzcb92suxZDa2KCj1xWGm/s1600/collage66.jpg">

^^its the 2nd time for her going there,lucky kirarie^_^

I wanna be able to go there once and deliver my presents myself..T.T one day...
On Easter vacation me and Lelis converted her lil nephew into cassianism religion ROFL
gotta do it while they are still young...look at him..HE'S LUVING IT^_^
P.S:He is JJ biased,too^_^

As i mentioned in my older posts,my friend Lee(former member and leader of Black Beat/Sm.Ent band) is now a dad and he sent me a pic with his gorg baby boy.
As he likes to call him"his little monkey"^^
isn't he the cuttest thing u've ever seen?
He has his daddy's nose kkk~~~
Chukae oppa u have a gorgeous little angel!^^

who would've thought that one day a man like him,with lots of fans and on the wave of succes is gonna become a family guy with wife and kids^^
ahhh makes me think of JJs future..maybe in less than 5 years we're gonna see his kid
*gets shot*


So i asked Lee,since he is the only korean i know who recently got married and he explained me the whole process:
They have two ceremonies,the western style one and the traditional korean one^_^
So it all starts with the wedding pictures that are taken long time before the actual wedding,like the one i posted here.If u watched the reality show "We got married" you probably seen how they do that.Its a place where any soon to be married couple goes and takes the wedding pictures for their wedding album.
There are many weddings in one day so sometimes they have to wait for their turn to get into the wedding hall,meanwhile the families greet the guests and someone is in charge of recieving the money for the couple.They write the name and the exact amount of money each guest has given to them.(haha i actually like that,its smart).
Then they go to the Wedding Hall and have the official ceremony which lasts about 20-30 minutes,where they say their vows and have someone to sing at their wedding if its the case and have a picture collaje presentation from their childhood till' the present day.
Usually one of the closest friend of the bride or groom is in charge of this.
After all this they have a champagne glass with the the guests and if one of the family members wants to have a toast and a speech if its the case.
They then change into korean traditional clothes(hanboks)and go to a different room which is located in the same building with the wedding hall and greet their parents,and the parents give them money for their future.
this is the picture they had before the actual wedding day.His wife Hana is very beautiful don't u think?^_^
Oppa's omoni nomu yepu da,ne?^_^
Well i guess that's all i have
Hope everyone spent a wonderful Easter and some quality time with family and friends,as i had

Hey,long time no /post/ LOL ^^
All good?Im sorry im busy with college...but i had to post these...enjoy and Happy Easter ya'll!
Luv u much

All good?Im sorry im busy with college...but i had to post these...enjoy and Happy Easter ya'll!
Luv u much

Jaejoong's AnAn Magazine Photoshoot Preview



















Do you remember the letter for Yuhno? this one... well..good news...it got in his hands! the letter reached yuhno! yay MY NAME IS THERE TOO^^ KITY(ROMANIA) KKKK~~
click on the pic to see it full!

shikonira thanks for making this happen!
the girl who made this possible just updated her LJ and said:
"[UPDATE] Letter to Yunho
Hello everyone :D
Well, I just received a reply from Morris today, and....
I am SO HAPPY! I don't even know what to say! Morris asked for my address so he can send the photo that Yunho autographed for me. Maybe there's a note on it for all of us?
Sorry for the short post, I just wanted to keep everyone updated and share my joy!
I will post again soon! "

credit for the pics:sharingyoochun