Saturday, April 17, 2010

In a world where every celebrity/socialite is transformed miraculously into a designer I guess that it was only a matter of time until Melania Trump introduced her own line of jewelry.
From National Jeweler
According to a press release, Trump is launching her own line of costume jewelry, "Melania Timepieces and Fashion Jewelry," designed exclusively for multimedia retailer QVC.Each piece in the Melania menagerie will retail for $30 to $200 and the line is set to hit QVC's airwaves on April 30 at 9 p.m., and will be available while supplies last, according to QVC.

From the New York Times we get a glowing report on Melania and The Donald's new venture
Another Trump Hopes What Glitters Will Be Gold
Mrs. Trump, who has been married to Mr. Trump for five years and is his third wife, said that she alone designed the jewelry line, without outside help. yeah whatever
Not surprisingly, Mr. Trump sings her praises.
“She’s got an amazing sense of design and an amazing level of intelligence,” he said in a telephone interview. “She’s got great ability, and I want her to run with it.”

Several questions come to mind.
Do we really need another celebrity designer?
Do we really need another brand of cheesy costume jewelry?
Whatever happened to that breed of NY grand dame socialites, like Pat Buckley, Jane Wrightsman and Mary Astor who spent their time and energy raising money for great institutions and great causes?
With a world of Tinsley Mortimers and Melania Trumps I'm afraid that the days of the old guard of grand dames has finally expired.
17 Apr 2010

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