Monday, April 5, 2010

I woke up early today to the sound of rain. So unusual for this time of year. It fit my mood.

Yesterday an earthquake that I didn't feel. The day spent preparing for an early Easter dinner with Stephanie, Alex and his girlfriend, the lovely Laura. Listening to quiet music all day while cooking and cleaning, The Magnetic Fields, Zero 7, Air, Belle and Sebastian, Interpol, Beirut, etc.

A fun dinner with amusing conversation that you can only have with a table of twenty-something year olds. Conversation about law, politics and finance, the California elections, piigs, brics, the end of Mexico and the coming collapse of the euro. None of these topics optimistic but we laughed anyway.

Then the big news...Alex wants to move to New York.
Even though his office is a block from mine, and he lives close to where I live, I don't actually see him that often. But it comforts me to know that he is nearby. But to be 26 years old and in the investment business, he needs to have experience in NY working on a trading desk, or something like that. I understand it, but I'm not happy about it.
05 Apr 2010

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