Thursday, May 6, 2010

When Mariah Carey and her husband Nick Cannon said "I do" to each other for the third time at their Beverly Hills home on Friday, Cannon, 29, presented his wife of two years with an unusual piece of bling: a huge, diamond- and sapphire-encrusted bauble designed to look like a high-end, thoroughly inedible version of the classic children's "ring pop" candy.

The ring is made of white gold, diamonds, and pink sapphires, and comes in a special box with a "spinner" so "you can see it sparkle under the lights inside," according to Jason Arasheben, the CEO of the Jason of Beverly Hills jewelery store where Nick purchased the ring. The spinner is another feature reminiscent of ring pop candy rings, some of which had spinners.Cannon reportedly proposed to Carey in 2008 with a real diamond hidden in a ring pop candy wrapper.
De Gustibus Non Est Disputandum
06 May 2010

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