Thursday, July 8, 2010

A lot has been going on in my life in the last 7 days....a birthday (my son's 27th), a wedding, a party, a funeral and an earthquake and yes I'm tired, but not too tired to write about jewelry...because that is what I do.

So what did I wear to the memorial service, a straightforward little black dress with pearls, of course. Out of respect for the seriousness of the occasion, and the fact that the service was held in a church, I added a black jacket to cover my arms and an Hermes scarf tucked inside the jacket to cover the decollete.

Here's the detail shot (yikes!) with a South Sea pearl strand paired with South Sea pearl "orbit" earrings with yellow sapphires .  I also wore a vintage Piaget diamond watch and a South Sea pearl and diamond rings. (I'm laughing at myself in this photo because it is just so difficult to take a picture of myself from this angle)

Since the memorial for my step-daughter's son was at the same church where the memorial service was held for my husband 16 years ago...the whole experience was more than just a little surreal.  It was also the church where I was married, a lifetime ago, when I was a mere child bride.  I might add that my step-daughter is only about  4 years younger than I am, so yeah, it's one of those kind of families.
But I digress,
As expected it was a very touching service with some poignant eulogies and music. The church was packed with well heeled white shoe types from the investment business, and families from John Thomas Dye and the Brentwood School,  including the wife of the Governor and her children.  You can't see from this photo but there were so many people who attended that some people had to stand on the sides and at the back of the church. There were even kids sitting on the floor of the middle aisle. 
After the service I skipped the reception at the beach club and went back to my office to wait for my tech guy to make my computer user friendly again...and to feel a rolling 5.4 earthquake.  After my computer finally showed me the love again I walked over to Thomas Keller's Bouchon restaurant at the Montage Hotel for and early dinner with my brother.

We sat on the terrace with the view which was pleasant because it was heated...god knows that there is no heat wave in Southern California.  This could be the coldest July on record.  But with the warmth from the heat lamp behind my chair I was very happy to wind down the day with simple bistro style food.

and Chateauneuf-du-Pape

Now today, plenty to do at the office and another event to attend tonight.  I can't wait for the weekend.
08 Jul 2010

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