Saturday, August 21, 2010

Loving Korea 2010 a fost un succes!!

Primul fanmeeting organizat in Romania...insa vor urma multe altele:)

Trebuie sa recunosc ca am fost [placut]surprinsa sa vad cata lume a veni,.nu ma asteptam sincer.

Sper sa ma surprindeti la fel de placut si la anu ^^~

Am avut de la karaoke,free hugs campaign, jocuri, dancebattle-uri,hanbok-uri expuse(complimente ambasadei,fara ei acest lucru nu ar fi fost posibil), concursuri (still sad i didn't get my noodles)...pana la probleme tehnice cu sunetul:))

Special thanks to Bryan,Dee,the Ambasador and everyone that made this possible..and last but not least...everyone who came.You were all wonderful <33>

Aici puteti descarca filmarile facute cu camera mea(Kity) la fanmeeting.Imi cer scuze ca a durat atat de mult pana le-am postat...dar am fost plecata si nu am putut sa le uploadez pe nici un site.

Siteu-ul asta probabil e nou pt majoritatea..dar e usor de bagati adresa de email si o sa primiti un link de download pe email.

Faceti treaba asta pentru fiecare filmulet in parte.

La sfarsitul fanmeetingului au venit doua fete la mine sa imi zica de filmari si poze sa le dau cand le scot...a ramas ca imi lasati un mesaj p blog dar nu am primit astept sa imi dati si mie pozele voastre;)

Spor and enjoy ^_- !

Pozele le puteti descarca de pe blogul fetelor de la crystal,click HERE to go there.

The ambasador and fans dancing and having fun:)


ÎncÄ�rcat de kity_Cia. - Discover more webcam videos and video blogs.

DBSK-Mirotic karaoke


ÎncÄ�rcat de kity_Cia. - Discover more webcam videos and video blogs.

Shut up and...DBSK presentation speech*hides*

fanmeeting 184

ÎncÄ�rcat de kity_Cia. - See video of the biggest web video personalities.

Ambasador's beggining speech:

Love his "engrish" or as i like to say "konglish" kkk~

He said next year he will do all that's in his power to invite a korean band at our fanmeeting.I have the proof in the video so i hope he can keep his word:)

Anyway we all had a great time and im sure the next one is gonna be a blast!

fanmeeting 181

ÎncÄ�rcat de kity_Cia. - Discover more webcam videos and video blogs.

And now i wanna present to you the video presentation of our blog that unfortunately didn't work at the fanmeeting.

And to think that we worked at that video until 4 AM grrrrr

next morning we were zombie mode

all in vain:( oh the horror! TT.TT

We had some audio i posted it here so u can see & hear it better:)

Enjoy ^_^

Our love for DBSK[Shut up and...DBSK! fanblog]

credits for the video: Lelis&Kity

And to close this post with good news,here is a translation of what our leadershii said today :

"[TRANS] Hello everyone, this is TVXQ. I'm U-Know Yunho. I'm Max Changmin. Those who had attended A-Nation is our 3 members - Hero Jaejoong, Xiah Junsu and Micky Yoochun. Even though they did not attend today, but we are carrying every five's dreams. Please anticipate our comeback, every Cassiopeia."


Not to mention the several trending topics that our kpop fans made today! we are so JJang!!


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