Perhaps one of the most important makeup rules ever is always remove your makeup before bed, but when all you want to do is collapse in your fluffy, cozy, comfortable bed taking a detour and hitting the bathroom sink might not be an option. Instead, keep a pack of Physicians Formula® Organic Wear® 100% Natural Origin Makeup Removers in a ziplock baggie at your bedside. Now available in new soft packs that are travel-friendly, user-friendly and convenient for soothing, on-the-go makeup or in the few seconds before your face hits the pillow makeup removal. Infused with good-for-your-skin ingredients and an exclusive Eco-Aroma Therapy™ blend, these soft wipes gently lift away all kinds of makeup, including eye makeup, effortlessly. Originally introduced in eco-friendly recyclable aluminum jars, they’re now ready to hit the road (or the gym or just about anywhere) thanks to the new flexible, lightweight packaging.
Tip: Keep the package zipped up in a zip-lock to ensure that it's closed well. Those stickers never seem to do the trick alone.
Tip: Keep the package zipped up in a zip-lock to ensure that it's closed well. Those stickers never seem to do the trick alone.
Find them at fine drugstores and mass-market retailers nationwide for $6.95.