Panelists include Neutra’s son, Dion Neutra, (an important architect in his own right), noted architectural historian and author Alan Hess, art and architectural historian Daniel Paul of the L.A. Conservancy's Modern Committee, architect and preservationist John Linnert, and designer/artist Craig Sibley.
The meeting will be held in conjunction with the opening of the “Amazing Neutras in Orange County” exhibit at the Old Courthouse Museum. Many of these images and artifacts were displayed earlier, at the Objct Gallery, in Claremont – But you’ll find at least a few cool new things to see (collected by the Orange County Archives) here at the exhibit in Santa Ana.
The parking lot directly behind the Courthouse (off Civic Center Dr.) will be free that day, as will the County Lot at Ross St. and Sycamore, behind the County Hall of Administration. There are also a number of downtown pay lots within easy walking distance.
The architecture of Richard Neutra reflects the prosperity and optimism of postwar Southern California. As evidenced by his designs for private residences, churches and governmental buildings, Neutra’s buildings are characterized by geometric precision, airiness, and simple dignity. Though many of these buildings have been recognized for their historic and design significance, some of Neutra’s masterpieces in Orange County face uncertain futures. This program and exhibit will examine some of Neutra’s best work and will hopefully bring attention to their preservation status.

Hope to see you Saturday!
(P.S. -- Neutra's Central Justice Center is within easy walking distance of Saturday's program.)