Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Over the past year or so, I've dabbled in a few different types of yoga ranging from Bikram to Hot Power Yoga to my newest studio that offers Hot Vinyasa Yoga. I must say that I really like the new studio I've been frequently that offers Hot Power Vinyasa Yoga. What exactly is Hot Power Vinyasa Yoga? Well, Garden State Yoga breaks it down very simply " Hot Power Vinyasa takes the traditional vinyasa series and incorporates a dynamic more rapid flow that detoxifies, heals and rejuvenates the body. Often referred to as “meditation in motion”, this open level power vinyasa class cultivates strength, endurance, focus, balance, and flexibility. The room is heated to 90 degrees with 40% humidity to help facilitate the integration of sweat, strength and spirit. Whether you are a beginner yogi or an elite athlete, come and experience the life changing, body transforming, calorie burning and mind calming effects of a regular hot power vinyasa practice."

Since I've been going pretty regularly and practicing Hot Vinyasa Yoga, I've been bringing along different products to help get me through. My Yoga bag beauty must haves include:

Hint Water - Because the room is heated to 90 degrees (it usually feels even hotter once you start going through the motions) you will SWEAT like never before. While I'm practicing the sweat is literally dripping off me. So rehydrating is key, I'm not the biggest fan of water so for me it's a bit hard to replace the water that's lost. That is, until I was introduced to Hint water. Hint water is just water with a fruit essence like Blackberry or Watermelon. What exactly does that mean? Well I think it's more trickery of the sense than an actual flavor boost. Lost? Well, Hint water smells so good that it tricks my brain into thinking it actually tastes good. End result? I drink it like it's juice.

Philip B. Blue Spray - I tried practicing while my nose was a bit stuffy thinking it would just clear itself up. The heat and humidity actually made it worse but instead of quitting I spritzed myself with a little bit of Blue Spray and my chest tingled and my nose started to clear a bit, plus the people around me loved the clean eucalytpus scent.

Cool Off Towelettes - After I practice as you can imagine I feel amazing but the amounts of sweat in my clothes and on my body is a bit gross. Cool Off Towelettes are the best because they cool down your skin AND wipe away the sweat. These towelettes are unique because they are infused with a clean-scented formulation of natural ingredients that include cooling herbs, plant botanicals, and essential oils. The immediate cooling effect lasts an average of 20 minutes past the time the towelette is removed and gives a totally relaxed sensation to whichever part of the body you chose to cool off, I especially love to use these on my stiff shoulders and lower back.
12 Oct 2010

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