Our poor abused scalps! We heat them up with blowdriers, hooded dryers, steamers, and occasionally burn them with flat irons, curling irons, waving tools, etc. But men have it worse than we do. A little coconut oil to the scalp will alleviate most women's scalp issues, but what about those unsightly bumps some men get on their scalp, base of the neck, under the chin? Well there's a medical term for what's happening and it's called folliculitis. Basically, it's an infection of the hair follicule and if left untreated it can lead of serious scarring that can inhibit hair growth completely, that's called scarring alopeica. In a nut shell, scarring alopeica destroys the hair follicle, replaces it with scar tissue, and causes permanent hair loss.
Prevention is key! And now, two prominent California dermatologists with a large celebrity and athlete clientele, Dr. Sheri Feldman and Dr. Louise Stewart, have developed Clear Poreformance™ Shampoo and Conditioner. This antibacterial, deep pore cleansing system is designed specifically for hair and scalp (www.clearporeformance.com). This dynamic duo not only wash excess oil off the scalp and out of the hair, but it also features special ingredients that work to kill and prevent growth of bacteria and deep clean the pores, helping to prevent scalp irritations.
Prevention is key! And now, two prominent California dermatologists with a large celebrity and athlete clientele, Dr. Sheri Feldman and Dr. Louise Stewart, have developed Clear Poreformance™ Shampoo and Conditioner. This antibacterial, deep pore cleansing system is designed specifically for hair and scalp (www.clearporeformance.com). This dynamic duo not only wash excess oil off the scalp and out of the hair, but it also features special ingredients that work to kill and prevent growth of bacteria and deep clean the pores, helping to prevent scalp irritations.
I had a friend test it out and it does work! Prior to using this system he was using Dial Antibacterial soap to shampoo his scalp which was working as well, but Clear Poreformance has more of the ingredient that works to kill off the bacteria. So if you know someone that could use some assistance in this area, definietly recommend Clear Poreformancy Shampoo and Conditioner for scalp issues and Dial Antibacterial soap for the affected areas on the face.
Clear Poreformance Shampoo and Conditioner is exclusively available online at www.clearporeformance.com.
Clear Poreformance Shampoo and Conditioner is exclusively available online at www.clearporeformance.com.