Saturday, November 13, 2010

1. Eat healthy.You start by eating your food more slowly. If you inhale your food, no matter how healthy it is, you won't know when you are supposed to stop, and you'll find yourself eating way more than you need to. Also, eating slowly helps you to taste the food better, so enjoy the flavor! Eat more healthy, natural food, too. I have noticed that every "health nut" I meet looks really nice and healthy. So toss all the junk food in your pantry, and make the most healthy choices possible when you are eating out. Your best bet is a salad with low-fat or no dressing, but if you don't like salad, you can find something like a grilled chicken sandwich instead of eating a fatty burger and greasy fries. If this healthy eating thing is hard for you, try making a reward system. If you eat right a whole week, you can splurge on a small slice of cake on Friday. It will become easier and easier. Soon, you won't even crave the sugar.

2. Get your sleep! If you are sitting in class with purple bags under your eyes and drool down your chin, you're not exactly going the be the most beautiful sight. Get at least 9 hours of sleep per school night.

3. Exercise! For some people who are in sports or dance, this is easy, but for the rest of us, we need to figure it out on our own. There are so many ways these days to get fit. Many people go running every day. Some people do workout videos. Some people go to the gym. Some use Wii fitness games, hand weights, run up and down the stairs, hike, or just dance around the house like a mad fool. Whatever works for you. There are many products on the market to help you get in shape, so get out there and do it!

4. Drink at least 8 glasses of water per day. The more water, the better. Water brightens your skin, flushes your body (which helps weight loss), and makes your voice clear and beautiful.

5. Get great hair! Get your hair cut at a nice place and ask them for the best way to take care of your hair type. Listen to their advice (they're professionals), but if they try to advertise one of their expensive salon products to you, try to find a more cost effective brand of the product at the drugstore. Take wonderful care of your hair, and don't do anything too harsh to it. If you dye your hair (by the way, please do it a natural-looking color), coat it in conditioner before swimming. Never let your roots show too much, since that is so tacky. Do cute things with your hair, but nothing too crazy. We're in high school now, not first grade.

6. Have confidence and self assurance. Don't let other people hurt your feelings, and don't listen to things people say about you, because what goes around comes around. People just say things to make themselves feel better, because they know you are prettier than them. It's only their immaturity getting the best of them. Don't be a poser it really makes guys annoyed.

7. Be yourself! Do what you do best in school and walk with self confidence, and hey, guys aren't everything. The most important thing is to learn to be happy with who you are and learn to love yourself.

8. Keep healthy. This does not mean being slim or skinny, this just means eating right and exercising.

9. Remember that less is more. Don't pile on makeup to make yourself pretty; natural is better. If you want, try using face powder, lip gloss and mascara for school, but don't use full-on eyeliner and lipstick. If you have acne and you want to treat it, buy a cleanser and moisturizer. Ask your doctor for a good brand. If you want to cover it, make sure you use Talc-free and non-comedogenic make-up.

10. Have clean hair. Wash it regularly and invest in good shampoo and conditioner. Your hair should always be clean and brushed. If you want, change your hairstyle. If you have straight hair, make it wavy or curly. If your hair is curly, straighten it if you want. But don't wash it too much as it can dry it out. Maybe instead, you could wash it every other day and take a bath on the other days. If you straighten it, make sure you repair it with a good shampoo or conditioner.

11. Don't have body odor. That really turns guys off! Use a very strong deodorant/antiperspirant and take a shower every day. If you want to, use a little bit of perfume. If you want to use perfume, don't buy the cheap stuff.

12. Brush your teeth. Having yellow teeth is, well, not pretty! You should brush your teeth at least twice a day and floss every day.

13. Remember as sad as it is, image can be everything, but luckily we are blessed with make-up, clothing, and treadmills. Learn to do your make-up so it brings out your best features and hides any flaws. No one is perfect, but makeup can easily give the illusion of perfection. Wear clothing that fits and choose colors that match most of your wardrobe. Three classy colors that are always popular are; blue, white, and gray. They sound boring but you can combine almost any other colors to match these, and they are always "in" so you can buy cheaper clothing and make it look expensive. Stay healthy and fit. Eating right is important. You hair will be shinier, your nails will grow longer, you will become less self conscious, and your skin will look fresher and brighter. All of which are extremely important to maintain if trying to be popular. Running or some kind of exercise is important to look physically good and feel emotionally good.

14. Work on being confident. Anyone can get over being shy, you just have to put yourself out there, especially when you don't feel like it. Take opportunities to join sports teams or look at what the "popular" kids are doing and do it too, but make it your own. Most people don't want someone just like them, give them a reason to want to be around you, make them want to be like you. Confidence in yourself is key.

15. Find something unique about yourself, and use it! Do you have a good voice? Are you not afraid of being on-stage? Are you skilled in art? If so, do something about it. Plus, whatever you do, it creates good memories and it teaches you a lesson.

16. Keep in mind, although mentioned before, the number one most important thing is to let your personality shine through, and be yourself. Don't be a fake just toimpress a guy, if you have to change yourself for him he's not worth it.

17. Hair care products! DO NOT put too much products in your hair. It will make it greasy and people hate that. If you straighten your hair put just a drop of oil and no more! If you don't straighten but thinking you want to; you don't have to. There's nothing more beautiful than your natural texture, but feel free to experiment.

18. Cleanse your face and exfoliate. Cleanse your face every night and exfoliate once a week to be spot free and have a soft and smooth face!

19. Wipe your nose! Make sure you don't have bogies in your nose or else people will cringe. Every time you are near a mirror just look at your nose and make sure those nasty green critters aren't up your nose. After all what will you do when your friend sees them while eating? Embarrassment camp isn't that far away.

20. Don't be intimidated! If someone keeps telling you the way you look isn't right and you have to do things that you aren't comfortable with, do not listen, the worst can happen.

21. Maintain a healthy weight; appear a small portion below an average size, not to skinny!

22. Layer your hair. Hair layering, makes your hair fall more naturally; and makes it appear softer, and more clean!

23. Cute clothes, acessories, shoes, hair products, etc! Fix your hair cutely, and but clothes in style, and mix them up to reate your OWN original style!

24. love who you are and except yourself for who you are!
13 Nov 2010

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