Wednesday, December 15, 2010

If diamonds are a girls best friends, then lipstick is her soul mate. Even with perfect make-up, if you do not emphasize the lips, most women don't feel complete. Whether it is a moat or rose lip gloss, lip "love" to have a nice "cover".

And how do you make your lips more voluptuous, soft and seductive - here are some tips.

1. Peeling

Gentle peeling on lips and areas around them will remove dead, unwanted part of the skin. A good trick is vaseline on the toothbrush, not the one you already use. Basically, apply vaseline on the brush and gently rub your lips - unwanted stains will disappear.

2. Lip balm

Choose a lip balm that is rich with vitamins C and E and glycerin. These vitamins feed lips and make them softer.

3. Lipstick

Although there is a big craze for the matte lipstick that last longer, sometimes choose brighter lipstick because they moisturize the lips. Glossy lipstick is appropriate for the evening.

4. Aging on the lips

One of the first signs of aging are lines around the lips, on witch lipstick always "stuck". The only help is a daily prevention, and later you'll thank yourself with a beautiful smile. Use lipstick or balm that contain retinol and thus nourish your beautiful years.

5. Proper use of lip pencil

Take a pencil slightly darker than the lipstick and border the lips slightly moving to the outside line due to the effect of fuller lips. Then take your brush and smudge the lip pencil. At the end apply a brighter lipstick.

6. Sun protection

Since lips have a small amount of melanin, they need protection from the sun. Always choose lip balm with SPF!

7. Avoid bad habits

Smoking is bad for your lips as it leaves unsightly stains. Excessive licking of the lips can make them rough, and saliva take their natural moisture. Also, as long as you're nervous, do not bite the lips because they are fragile, break easily and are susceptible to infections.

8. Right shade lipstick

If a lipstick color is in fashion, that doesn't mean it suits you. Also trying the lipstick on your wrist is not the best solution, so you see color but not how will it stand in relation to the lips and face. For starters always choose softer lipstick. Neutral colors look good on everyone, and only individuals can wear vibrant colors.
15 Dec 2010

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