Saturday, December 4, 2010

After complete craziness at the office this past week, I was pleased to be able to enjoy yesterday afternoon at a holiday tea at the Montage Hotel
Only a block and a half from my office, and one of the prettiest places in Beverly Hills, the panelled library off of the lobby lounge with its cozy fireplace, was the perfect place to catch up with the ladies over a glass of champagne and a beautifully served tea.

Here's how the table was set....unfortunately, I am incapable of taking a good photo with my iphone
so here's an image from the Montage website. Isn't the hand painted china pretty?

I must admit that I do appreciate this whole afternoon tea is a great way to de-stress.
What I want to know is if the United States was primarily settled by the English, how is it that America lost this great English tradition?
Does anyone know?
04 Dec 2010

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