Thursday, December 16, 2010

Happy Friday everyone.  We have a winner for the Custom Crops $50.00 gift voucher.  I put all of the comment from both of my blogs together and chose random number 33 as the winner.  CONGRATULATIONS TO:
Debra (who) said...
Beautiful cake! It's WW for me after the first of the year! My favorite cake is German Chocolate. I am a sucker for that sweet chocolate, pecans, and coconut.

Debra I left a message on your blog with the details I will need for you to claim your prize!

Yesterday was a very busy day which followed a night of not nearly enough sleep.  I went to bed far too late (I was caught up in the book I am reading) and for some unknown reason I woke up four hours later.  I could not go back to sleep so finally after an hour of tossing I got up.  The good news in this was my husband and I left early for our trek to Atlanta to bring Ian home for the holidays.  Of course after my four hours of sleep, I took an hour nap on each leg of the journey!  And after dinner I needed yet one more nap to see me through the evening and that left me with a NO crafting day.  

But a no crafting day just means we have an opportunity to revisit a great project from the past.....
Jody P of the Cricut Message Board shared her lovely cut files for Gift Card holders. Her designs were inspired by something she saw in an old issue of Paper Crafts Magazine, though I believe she expanded the idea as there are three designs in her cut files. I used Basic Grey Wassail Christmas paper, ribbon, pearl embellishments, and glaze stickles to make two of Jody's ornament design.

I would have loved to have been able to link back to Jody, but alas I have lost that link.  Jody if you read this PLEASE shoot me an email so that I can give you the credit (and link) that you deserve for this FABULOUS cut file.  

I will be back tomorrow to share my monthly project for Everyday Cricut.... It is a fun and festive holiday must see.....

16 Dec 2010

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