Monday, December 6, 2010

Every year at this time I debate with myself over the subject of whether or not I even want to bother to get a Christmas tree.  It's a lot of time and energy for just myself and my two children to appreciate.
But then there's the blogosphere begging me to get in the Christmas spirit and consider entertaining with photos like these.
Reggie and Boy's table setting from a formal Fall dinner party - simply sublime
A table setting a la Francais brought to us by Tish Jett - absolument magnifique
And a tartan table from stylist/designer/blogger Scot Meacham Wood

To be honest, I'm much too busy working, especially at this time of year, to organize any type of entertaining, even the most basic cocktail party.  I'm such a perfectionist that if I can't do it right, I won't do it at all.
Perhaps some day in the future, I will find the time for all this.
In the meantime, I will enjoy the merriment vicariously through the my friends in the blogosphere.
06 Dec 2010

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