Saturday, December 11, 2010

Obviously, all my loyal readers know that product placement is important to branding.  Who doesn't want to see their product on the pages of a high end glossy or adorning A list celebrities?

Of course you never quite know what you are going to get when jewelry goes out the door.

A week ago we were asked to provide vintage jewelry for Julia Roberts to wear for presenting the Medal of Honor to Oprah Winfrey at the Kennedy Center and for a formal dinner at the White House last weekend.
Of course we jumped on the opportunity.  She's gorgeous and she wears vintage so well. 
Now...if only we could find an image on the internet somewhere....anywhere...with her in the Beladora bling.  She's a very private person, which I admire, and somehow she missed the red carpet photographers, ergo we have no photos to flaunt.
Sometimes that happens.

And then sometimes we get fabulous photos that are unflauntable.

About a month ago we were asked to provide jewelry for a beauty shoot for the edgy Flaunt magazine. The talented Donna Trope was going to be photographing the goods so we knew the quality of the work was going to be artsy and awesome and probably not safe for work.
And we were right.
We just got the print copy this week and here are the photos...with a little help from snagit.
This is a family blog after all....

Because we are nothing if not modest, here chez BHB,
I thought that the NSFW post it notes were appropriate.
And the jewelry looks beautiful.

Flaunt is full of gangly guys posing with gallery girls, mostly in deshabille.
It is definitely a magazine for the edgy indie crowd.
So there you go...Beladora is now edgy and indie by association!
Who knew?

On another topic I'm way behind on my Christmas posting...hopefully I will catch up on it before Xmas Eve.
I'm so impressed with all the blog posts of holiday trees and table settings, from Australia to Argentina to Belgium to France, thanks to FF, Tish, Dash, Vicki et al.
I just might have to get going with that whole tree thing soon.
11 Dec 2010

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