Tuesday, December 7, 2010

What happened to Tom Brady, and I don't mean his quarterbacking which is better than ever.
I was watching his post game interview last night at the gym and couldn't concentrate on what he was saying because I had trouble recognizing him.
We used to have this look...the beautiful yet bad boy jock with the spurned girlfriend and illegitimate son
Who fell in love with a supermodel, got married and started a family
and seemed to have a rather normal domestic happy married life
with a new baby, maturity and thinning hair
But now what's with the long hair?
Has his Boston basic jock style become boring?
Has Giselle Brazillionized him?
Or has he just had the deep need to revert to his youth
before the responsibilities of being a husband, father and superstar quarterback weighed heavily on his life
Is the Justin Bieber hair just a manifestation of this?

I don't know, I'm just asking the question.
07 Dec 2010

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