Sunday, January 2, 2011

I'm really not one for partying it up on New Year's Eve and I generally prefer to stay home with champagne and caviar, but this year Miss de Ville and I were invited out so we put on our fancy duds and made a night of it.
Miss de Ville New Year's Eve 2010 in her mom's Oscar de la Renta
It was cold, really cold for Los Angeles, so I went in full Dr. Zhivago mode and wore my vintage swakara coat with the fox collar and my mink head band. And I'm glad that I did because it was 42 degrees outside. That is like sub arctic temperatures for Los Angeles.
(blurry photo thanks to iPhone)
After surviving the night with controlled alcohol consumption...I was designated driver....I slept late and woke up happy on New Year's Day.  The sun was shining brightly through my window and I just felt that 2011 was going to be a great year.

Resolutions? Yes, I have them.
They are always the same.
Will I keep them? I hope so.
I will try.

New Year's Day was full of friends and football. 
A comfortable and low key way to start the year.

Then today, rain again.

In August 2008 I blogged about the beautiful wedding of my dear friend's daughter in Napa Valley.  It seems like not so long ago that this girl was a student at John Thomas Dye with my children.  Today this young lady is having her first child, and my friend will become a grandmother.
For some reason, like the sunshine on New Years Day, it is a good omen to me. 
Kids get older, life goes on, one becomes a grandmother.

On the agenda for 2011. 
Work, work and more work.

And some travel. 
I'll be off to the antiques and estate jewelry show in Miami Beach in February with a side trip to Palm Beach to visit friends in the polo world.
In the spring I should like to take a trip to the UK and France to visit the blogger babes.  You know who you are.
Also, I should like to work in a trip to Germany to visit friends.
I shall certainly go to Spain at the end of June to see my brother finish up his command and then I would like to go to either Sicily, Majorca, Corsica or the Swiss Alps.  I haven't decided yet.
Oh yeah, Oz is on my short list too. Can I tie that into the Hong Kong show?
(I'm terribly afraid that if I take a trip to Oz, I won't want to come back to the US.)

Last year I didn't see much of my friends. This year I would like to change that.

Cooking.  I need to do more of that.  Perhaps I will start cooking Sunday dinners for my family.

Working out with the wonder woman trainer, that's on the agenda too.

This is enough.
I don't like to make too many plans, because you know happens when you do that. 
Yes, god laughs.

I'll leave you with a song.
02 Jan 2011

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