Wednesday, January 12, 2011

There are many ways to improve your mood depending on which is easiest for each individual. There are many easy ways to overcome a bad day and to bring yourself out of the dumps. Everyone gets in bad and/or depressing moods, good moods and peppiness is not a trait that people are born with. Levels of happiness are said to be learned skills, and they are also fairly easy to learn, it all depends on each individuals want to learn how to provide themselves with happiness.

In many studies of happy and optimistic people, key methods have been discovered to help keep people in happy and ultra-motivated moods. Motivation is a great fuel for those to accomplish goals, tasks and ultimately achieve their vision or how they want to live and feel day to day. The skill of being able to put yourself into a good mood is called Positive Mind Conditioning. All techniques and skills are learn-able, and are in reach of anyone, at any age, it’s never too late to make a change. There are five essential steps to this process.

These 5 essential steps can ‘supercharge’ your motivation level, ambition and drive. These steps will also help achieve a continuous feeling of motivation. The best way to benefit is to keep each step in mind, all day, every day. They will eventually turn into habits for those who remain dedicated to the steps. These steps will also help people work smarter, not necessarily harder, these steps allow those following to grab hold of their mental energy, complete tasks quickly and creatively as well as doing everything in a positive manner.

Step 1: One Thought at a Time

The first step is to only have one thought at a time. In order to gain the key to feeling optimistic, the key to enjoying your life and the key to fulfilling your ultimate vision for the best life for yourself, you can only keep one thought in your mind at a time. This is proven to be one of the most powerful steps, yet it is undermined when it comes to Psychology. A good question to ask yourself when wanting to accomplish this goal is ‘’what should my one thought be?’’ and the best answer should be to choose a thought about something you want to accomplish not something you do not want.

This is one of the easiest ways to remove negative thoughts from the mind, as well as keep them at bay. It’s a matter of crowding these thoughts out, it’s proven that when you think positively, optimistically, and uplifting the mind cannot simultaneously focus on negative, depressing and upsetting things.

Two experiments to try out are: The next time a negative thought crosses your mind quickly think of a goal or enjoyable experience. Secondly randomly check in on your thoughts, a few times during the next five days or so just take a quick pause and see what kind of thoughts you are thinking, pessimistic or optimistic, and if these thoughts are negative, apply the first experiment, it will become a habit soon, if applied regularly.

Step 2: Expect the Best

Step two focuses on your frame of mind, assessing what you are thinking about, future goals, not only for the present but for your life in general. Frame of mind proves as very important when the day begins, or a new project is started. Starting the day off with the thought of succeeding increases the chances that you will find that successful outcome, when negative belief can lead to a failure, because of thinking poorly about your ability to do a task or to have a good day. Another way to look at this is, glance around and find a pessimistic person; do they ever seem like an accident waiting to happen? Pessimistic people have the habit of digging themselves in holes. There are also those people out there who seem to have luck with success, it seems to come easily to them, and these types of people tend to keep their minds on the goal, expect the best and stay positive. These types of people also have the tendency to draw helpful opportunities and people towards them, which aids in their success in the long run, and by positive attitude these people happily come and help these people as well. So always keep in mind to be careful with what you expect, because you just might get that exact thing, when it comes to positive and negative expectations.

Step 3: Stay Focused

The third step is to keep your ambitions strong, don’t let whatever is presented to you, sway your opinions. For example, people who are always getting things done have a drive and a sense of mission, they strive to get what they need done and ignore the rift raft on the side. They dive into their projects 100%, they are seen as ‘maniacs on a mission’. The best said way to develop a sense of strong ambition is to think of goals and other ambitions many times every day. Think specifically about what you want, and what you need to get to that goal. Constant dwelling on the idea of getting what you want creates very strong ambition.

Step 4: Change Your Thinking

Many feel that the way that they handle situations has done well for them to some degree, however there is always an opportunity to become more confident and optimistic, more then you ever dreamed possible. The steps in the Positive Mind Conditioning are recommended to adopt this dream. Abiding by these steps can allow you to release your energy and really focus on the true wants and goals you have for yourself, and your life. The main difficulty of this step is avoiding slipping back into your old ways, how you used to do things. This is most commonly known as a ‘rut’ for people, ruts normally consist of habits that you are better off without having. The ability to avoid this and start anew consist of dwelling on positives, and to avoid dwelling on the negatives, remember to expect the best on whatever ‘mission’ you are embarking on. In order to do this, you need to have the drive to change the way you think, to change the negative and unhelpful thinking habits, you may have. Sometimes when new information is provided on a subject, it can change your opinion. So an option is to continue this way of thinking but incorporate these steps instead of your usual thinking habits. Just keep in mind that ‘’Happiness is a choice, not an automatic response’’.

Step 5: Persistence

Persistence is said to be the key to happiness. During a large study at a university they found that children who are persistent tended to stand out more and were more competent then the children who took instant gratification. They found that the children who were more persistent were also more assertive, confident, likely to pursue challenges, able to manage frustration and were not likely to give up. The study ultimately showed that impulsive people were less likely to succeed in life compared to people who delay gratification.

By disciplining yourself to work hard and meet your goals you will have a new sense of self-esteem and self discipline, you will also find the strength to control your thoughts and lead a happier life
12 Jan 2011

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