Thursday, January 20, 2011

I have used Dove Go Fresh products for a few months now and I decided to give the body wash a try after I found a very good deal on it. I prefer to use a body wash over soap bar is usually because I never really found a good bar soap that will not dry out my skin. I'm always leary of anything that has too strong of a scent, because there are so many people in my family who are sensitive to smells and believe that it's bad when others are there for a strong perfume.

I decided to try Dove Go Fresh Body Wash, a cucumber and green tea fragrance to match the deodorant and body spray, which I already use. I think my favorite part about it is the smell, but it's not the kind of scent that is very overwhelming, either. With a large family home, we tend to shop for the latest deals and use coupons just to help us save some money. I recommend any of the Dove go fresh products because they will help your skin stay moist and they give off a lovely smell.
20 Jan 2011

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