Wednesday, January 5, 2011

The year of the Metal Rabbit promises to bring some much-needed peace and tranquility. If you are like most people, you probably feel like you were on a roller coaster in 2010, the year of the Tiger. That will generally not be the case in 2011, as the Rabbit is everything the Tiger is not.

“Let there be peace -- and let it begin with me” is the Rabbit motto. The Tiger makes waves, but the Rabbit mends fences. Diplomacy reigns. If you want to improve your chances of success, negotiate and cooperate rather than force your ideas on others. It’s also a time to kiss and make up. Forgive and forget. Let’s all get along. Make love not war. If last year the emphasis was on excitement, it’s now is on harmony.

The Rabbit should give most of us an opportunity to pause and catch our breath after a hectic 2010.

Not that I believe in Chinese astrology...or any other type of astrology.
Still, I like the idea of a year of peace and tranquility after a year of turbulence and turmoil.

Having woken up New Year's Day happy, for no particular reason, and then in this first few days of 2011, one friend became a grandmother, another friend is due to have her third child in two days, and another friend just got engaged, I just get the feeling that this year is going to be focused on family and friends.

Other changes in 2011, La Belette Rouge has retired from blogging.  I shall miss her writing and I hope that this year brings her happiness and healing and a house on the North Shore of Chicago.
05 Jan 2011

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