Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Most people don't realize that a number of Orange County towns once had their own Chinatowns, including Santa Ana, Anaheim and Orange. The image above (from the Anaheim Heritage Center) shows the last building in Anaheim's Chinatown to be demolished. This house, at 119 W. Chartres St., was torn down in 1940.
According to Leo Friis' book, When Anaheim Was 21,
"Chinese commenced settling in Anaheim in the early [Eighteen] Seventies, most of them crowding into an area facing Chartes Street between Anaheim Boulevard and Lemon Street. In 1876, the [Anaheim] Gazette editor estimated that one-sixth of the town's population was Oriental. Many Chinese engaged in truck farming northeast of Anaheim and their vegetable wagons were a familiar sight. ...Actually, Anaheim was a good place for Chinese to live. Its citizens never carried to extremes the prejudice found in many other towns."
Tonight, the Anaheim Historical Society will celebrate their city's Chinese heritage with a special meeting for Chinese New Year. The program will include traditional Chinese dancers, music, and a presentation. The public is welcome to attend this free event. The program will be held at 7pm, Feb. 15, at the Loara Elementary School Auditorium, at Broadway and Loara St.
15 Feb 2011

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