1. Start with natural, textured hair spraying Wella Professionals Ocean Spritz on the roots.
2. Blow-dry hair upside down using fingers to create volume and texture.
3. Tease the top crown area by back-combing to add texture.
4. Make a side or central part and pull hair back behind the ears; tie at one side into a tight ponytail, leaving out teased section and bottom section of hair. This creates a tight, severe hair line.
5. Brush the top surface of the hair and twist into an asymmetrical French twist; secure with one hair pin.
6. To finish blast hair gently with dryer to loosen hairstyle, and spritz lightly with Wella Professionals Dynamic Fix 45 Second Crafting Spray to hold the look.

Hair Styling by: Eugene Souleiman, Wella Professionals Global Creative Director of Care & Styling
Haircolor: Aura, Wella Professionals Color Ambassador
Hair products provided by Wella Professionals