Sunday, March 13, 2011

7 Ways to Save Money on Salon
You've probably been spending more moolah than you can afford during the monthly / biweekly style beauty fix.
Stick agenda:
If you have gone to the salon to get her arms and legs waxed, get out immediately. No one listens to talk about brown skin, and how a clean-up/facial would make you a glow worm, how a hair spa would bring back the shine to dry, frizzy hair ...

Do not buy products blindly:
you are often informed about the benefits of hair mousse X or Y lotion during a feel-good massage or pedicure.

Prep at home:
Now why would anyone want to crane their necks in umcomfy sinks for a quick hair shampoo / conditioning session - the same pools where hundreds of other lazy heads have thrown her hair?

Being net savvy:
There are quite a few sites that offer big discounts these days - as much as 95% off! Register yourself on their mailing list and get the most out of your campaigns.

Bills at a discount salon:
If only a hair trim you are looking for, why not try one of the lounges, which seems to have exploded all over the place? Save comprehensive and complex styles and treatments to your regular hangout.

Get membership:
But if you're a loyal, that is not too comfortable with the idea of ​​unknown salons, join the place you regularly frequent.

Do not go. Period:
Have one of your near and dear to pamper yourself with a massage - preferably your romantic partner.
13 Mar 2011

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