Thursday, March 17, 2011

Do I have any fellow Sex & The City movie fans out there? I feel I must pass this very important “wedding shoe news” along to all of you (yes, even on Sunday morning). Does anyone remember the blue satin Manolo Blahnik’s (played a very big role) that our beloved Carrie ended up wearing during the civil wedding ceremony with Mr. Big?

Well, while searching on the subject trends (on a blog post soon to come) I happened to come across a post on Here Comes the Guide about some hot new wedding shoes from Perfect Details a accessory boutique. And there they were a wedding shoe inspired by the glass-slipper style Manolo Blahnik Something Blue satin pump and they are available in ivory too!!

By the way the picture of Carrie and Mr. Big came from the Sex and the City book available at Amazon which has hundreds of full color images from the moview and behind the scenes.

I was so excited about my find that I just had to share immediately. I think deep down all us girls have a desire for glamour and high fashion at least sometimes but especially on our wedding day.
17 Mar 2011

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