Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Recently, I was reminded of a video I made a long time ago about my nighttime regimen. That video was shot when I was still living with my parents, working 3-11pm and still had a real "nighttime" to get ready and go to bed. Fast forward a few years and I'm working the overnight shift. My nighttime is now your AM, and honestly I'm lucky if I put a scarf on my head before it hits the pillow. My hair has really been taking a backseat to other things lately, but thankfully the health of it has not been comprised.

My new nighttime hair care regimen is this:
1. Put hair into a high loose bun or wrap it (it's usually the bun option - it's faster)
2. Sleep on pillowcap

That's it! :-)

What are you doing with your hair before bed?
01 Mar 2011

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