Tuesday, July 19, 2011

A few years ago when so many of us began sharing our Cricut Design Studio cut files someone shared a card cut which she called “Anus Lace Edge Card”.  I adore this cut file and will get into more detail momentarily, but first I wanted to apologize – I have no idea who created the original cut file.  At first I thought perhaps it was Jen C., but her cut files usually contain her name.  If you happen to know who created this fabulous cut file PLEASE let me know so that I can thank her again.

Okay, back to today’s card. My friend Beth is preparing for a wedding in her family – her daughter Libby is getting married in a couple of months. I have been invited to a bridal shower for Libby this Saturday and SO unlike me, I have already purchased the gift, done the assigned homework (share a recipe) and now I have created the card!  It is quite unlike me to be this prepared!

I have had this sheet of Graphic45 bridal paper for sometime, but just recently realized that it is PERFECT for a bridal shower card!  With this cardstock in mind, I began looking for the perfect card design to use with this Graphic45 print.  This Anus Lace Card was Perfect base on which to build the Graphic45 card! 

I cut the base card on lightly textured vanilla colored cardstock.  The card front has slits cut for ribbon to run though the card, but I chose to cover that with my base layer of Graphic45.  I cut two rectangular images from the cardstock and using pop dots, I affixed the rectanglular images to the front of the card, building in layers.

I embellished the card with fabulous rose print flower trim.  I trimmed one rose from the strip and glued it to the lower left corner, then I trimmed a three rose section and glued it to the top image layer.  I added gems to the center of the flowers, as well as assorted corners on the Graphic45 cardstock.

The final touchs to the card include the ribbon and knotted "bow" to the middle top layer.  I used an Anna Griffin stamp to create the Best Wishes tag.  A pop dot was placed under the left side of the tag while the right side was pinned to the ribbon.  I just love those tiny pins!!

Here is one last peek at the card - which you click to enlarge.  I hope Libby likes her bridal shower card, I think it is fun and unusual!!!
19 Jul 2011

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