Sunday, July 10, 2011

Kelly Weekers crowned Miss Nederland Universe 2011; Jill de Robles Crowned Miss Nederland World 2011; Jully Duijves Crowned Miss Nederland Earth 2011.

The winners of Miss Netherlands 2011 are, from left to right:
Miss Netherlands World 2011 – Jill de Robles (Miss Drenthe)
Miss Netherlands Universe 2011 – 21-year-old Kelly Weekers (Miss Limburg)
Miss Netherlands Earth 2011 - Jully Duijves (Miss Flevoland)

The finale of Miss Nederland 2011 was held at the Hart van Holland in Nijkerk on July 10, 2011. The official results are:

Kelly Weekers was crowned Miss Nederland Universe 2011

Kelly Weekers was crowned Miss Nederland Universe 2011. Kelly of Limburg is 21 year old and stands 1.80m. She will represent Netherlands in Miss Universe 2011 in Sao Paulo, Brazil.

Jill Lauren de Robles was crowned Miss Nederland World 2011

Jill Lauren de Robles was crowned Miss Nederland World 2011. Jill Lauren of Drenthe is 22 year old and stands 1.75m. She will represent Netherlands in Miss World 2011 in London, England.

Jill Duijves was crowned Miss Nederland Earth 2011

Jully Duijves was crowned Miss Nederland Earth 2011. She will represent Netherlands in Miss Earth 2011 in Thailand.

Top 6: Luna Voce, Mary-Anne Kammeron, Pinar Arslan, Jill de Robles, Jill Duijves, Kelly Weekers

Special thanks and credits to Missosology & beautypageantnews
10 Jul 2011

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