I finally got around to reading the last few weeks of the Register and found some items I probably should have passed along already. So here they are, in no particular order:
Tustin News columnist Juanita Lovret received the Frances Logan Spirit of Old Town award from the Tustin Preservation Conservancy.
There was a retrospective of the Tustin Area Historical Society’s last home tour.
Juaneno elder Marguerite Julia Lobo of San Juan Capistrano was laid to rest.
A mall blog waxed nostalgic about early South Coast Plaza.
Someone named Deborah Perez claimed that her stepfather, Guy Ward Hendrickson (formerly of Orange County), was the notorious Zodiac Killer. But recently other folks have commented that Perez previously also claimed to be the illegitimate daughter of J.F.K. (I’m just glad the “Black Dahlia” case hasn’t been dragged into this,… yet.)
This Saturday, the O.C. Mexican American Historical Society will hold a Barrio History Symposium at Golden West College in Huntington Beach.
The Vintage Postcard & Paper Show will be back in Glendale all this weekend. I'm not sure yet if I'll be there on Sunday or not. There are lots of good local historical images to be found on those postcards.
I will definitely be at the Santa Ana Historical Preservation Society's shindig this Saturday, so say hello if you see me there.