The Huntington Beach Public Library (HBPL) will celebrate 100 years of service to the community at a Open House Gala on , June 12, 4-7pm, at the Central Library, 7111 Talbert Ave. "Festivities include ...music, giveaways, and historical library artifacts on display—also some surprise visitors from 1909! Cake and ice cream will be served, as well as authentic saltwater taffy from the era."
On June 19 at the Huntington Beach Central Library, Rev. Mark Whitlock of Christ Our Redeemer Church in Irvine will lead a discussion "by African American leaders [about] their experiences in Orange County." One hopes that some of the speakers have been around O.C. long enough to provide historical perspective. Program begins at 7pm.
On June 25, 7pm, the Huntington Beach Art Center, 538 Main St., will host documentary film maker Sandra Robbie, who will discuss "Desegregation of the Westminster School District" and show her film on the same topic. Education issues pertaining to H.B.'s current hispanic residents will also be discussed.
On June 25, 7pm, the Huntington Beach Art Center, 538 Main St., will host documentary film maker Sandra Robbie, who will discuss "Desegregation of the Westminster School District" and show her film on the same topic. Education issues pertaining to H.B.'s current hispanic residents will also be discussed.