Here's a view of the snazzy new Disneyland Hotel in Anaheim on June 1, 1956. On the right is the spot where the monorail station woul...

Here's a view of the snazzy new Disneyland Hotel in Anaheim on June 1, 1956. On the right is the spot where the monorail station woul...
I found a web page , where perfumes are very cheap but original. Because I just got a salary, and because I'm crazy on perfumes, I decid...
ok so how do i make my posts lately u wonder ey? oh well..its very easy...the entirely day thoughts pass through my mind...thoughts that i w...
Hello happy bloggers! This week we have it all - Patriotic Decor, Blog Hop, and Blog Candy... Everything but fireworks!!! If you are followi...
The Old Courthouse Museum in Santa Ana has a small but very interesting new exhibit on the 1st floor. They're now displaying about si...
sorry for the lack of posts but I have A LOT of studying to do. I spend most of the day in pajamas or old T-shirts . I have an exam on mond...
I allready forgot why i wanted to write on the blog but anyhow since i allready loged in... I have so many things that bother me,i just wann...
This late 1950s Kodachrome image shows the 5 Freeway at First St. in Santa Ana . It certainly looks different today! . I wondered how SoCa...
So you thought you'd escape the 24-7 barrage of Michael Jackson coverage by coming here and reading about Orange County history? Sadl...
Just some random thoughts of mine on this rainy night. ah be carefull what u wish for cause it might just come true. I wonder why Mike he(ta...
"They give us those nice bright colors. They give us the greens of summers. Makes you think all the world's a sunny day, Oh yeah! ...
3 am at my boyfriend's home :D can't stand! :D bronx shoes, diy jeans, h&m shirt and clutch bag, zara blazer
Megan, Brandon and the priest: Bethany, Susan, Doug, Diana, Kathy and Beth: What a fun weekend!!! My husband and I traveled to Charleston, S...
jacket morgan, adidas shirt, vagabond shoes, clutch, scarf and jeans h&m
“We Got Married” Jun Jin & Lee Shi-young couple becomes a real-life couple! YESSS!!! FINALLY!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU GOD! at least one coup...