R.M. Schindler's famous Lovell Beach House in Newport Beach is known as one of the most architecturally significant buildings in Southern California. But did Schindler also design another house here in Orange County?
John Howell sent me these images (above and below), wanting to know more about the "Residence for Mr. & Mrs. Haines" which was purportedly built at 5112 Alicia Drive in Dana Point in 1934-'35.
He says he's also seen a photo of the house, so he knows it was actually built SOMEwhere at SOMEtime. The house also shows up on many lists of Schindler's projects. And one website even claims the place is "in good condition."

But Howell says there's nothing on Alicia Dr. that looks like this design. To add to the confusion, some sources spell the street name "Alishia" or "Alisha", but no such street exists. It also appears that the street numbering has changed over the years, so there is currently no 5112 address. However, Alicia Dr. is at the top of a hill with an ocean view, which is exactly where you'd build a house like this.
So, was this residence actually built in Dana Point? If so, does any of it still stand? And why haven't we heard this story until now?
If you can shed any light on this mystery (or just feel like adding your two cents,) please leave a note in the comments section of this post.
UPDATE: Jennifer Whitlock of The U.C. Santa Barbara Art Museum's Architecture & Design Collection looked at the drawings of the Haines House in their collection and wrote...
"I found one note which is a bit cryptic, but says 'Haines' at the top and then next to it (but appears to have been written at a later time) '1675 ANGELOS'. Underneath underlined 'RO 7966' (perhaps Haines phone number?) and underneath that 'Mail: Doheny Park'. Then there are a few sketches and notes about the house (room measurements, floor plan). At the bottom it says 'Dana Point.' This page is taken from a series of notebooks that Schindler kept. I have no other context for this information. This information could be notes to Schindler for contacting the client during the project (they obviously must be living elsewhere while the house is being built)."
"I found one note which is a bit cryptic, but says 'Haines' at the top and then next to it (but appears to have been written at a later time) '1675 ANGELOS'. Underneath underlined 'RO 7966' (perhaps Haines phone number?) and underneath that 'Mail: Doheny Park'. Then there are a few sketches and notes about the house (room measurements, floor plan). At the bottom it says 'Dana Point.' This page is taken from a series of notebooks that Schindler kept. I have no other context for this information. This information could be notes to Schindler for contacting the client during the project (they obviously must be living elsewhere while the house is being built)."