Just some random thoughts of mine on this rainy night.
ah be carefull what u wish for cause it might just come true.
I wonder why Mike he(taiwanese actor) is keeping it low.I want new Mike He badass roles in dramas!
I want new worth-watching dramas! Got any suggestions PLEASE hit me up! (kity_cia@yahoo.com)
I prayed to God for some rain and he answered my prayers,how cool is that?^^
I think me and Him have a bound,he like always takes care of me.ALWAYS! Thank you! And forgive me for not going to the church as often as i should:( and for not praying.
Karma can be a bitch sometimes.(what goes around comes around) true 'dat
I am so bored
Why cant i always keep my promises?I hate that
especially when ppl dont keep their promises to me TT_TT
I hate not being able to turn back the time.Don't you???
Right now its raining,and i'm loving it!*listening to "A death girl's epilogue" perfect for rainy days
I just finished watching paris hiltons BFF.
OMG that thunder scared the S H I T out of me
oh yeah,remember i told u i created a TWITTER account.Im starting to get bored of it allready.I mean i need LOTS of words to express myself,and they only give me like 140?or how many was it?anyways NOT ENOUGH!! It made me realise how much i missed blogging here ^_~
I love my blog XOXO and my readers.
Hurray for Lelis she passed her first exam with brio.Congrats cousin dear,luv u always,and good luck to the next ones.
Man i would just love to be able to read peoples minds.Ohhh i would love that*Smirk
oh cool !thunders and flashlights outside..i guess i could make a home disco.Just turn up the music volume a little and dress up and voila HOME DISCO:)))
I miss L.A:(((((
SS501 Asia Tour photos.
looks like the boys are kicking it in the limos.
oh the glam,the style...

mm lelis i think our limo was a little bit bigger than theirs *smirk

hawaii beach with 5 biatches:)) lol kiddin

credits for the pictures: @ssangcho.blogspot.com