Several weeks ago I received a mystery box from Custom Crops. The box contained an odd list of supplies and an assignment to create a project using all seven items. The items were:
1. A piece of natural twill fabric measuring 20 inches x 23 inches;
5. A 12 oz. Can of Code Red Mountain Dew;
6. A $3.00 Black Glittery Faux-Leather Belt from a Local General Store; and
What I made was a Heartbreaker project. The project not only utilized all of the seven required elements, I found out that you can cut a soda can with a fiskar's edge punch! The project was a lot of fun and I created a bit of a story about the vintage woman in my project.
The following link will take you to my project at Custom Crops. Please do leave comments while you are there. Also, check out my other two new projects - Fawn the Fairy card and a fun baby girl layout.